  • 學位論文


A job and an opportunity: A study on Bus Attendants in Taiwan, 1970s

指導教授 : 王秀雲


本文探討戰後1950-1980年代公車隨車售票員的歷史,著重於她們如何理解並追求這一份工作,進入工作之後的處境及她們如何面對社會、工作環境中的種種性別限制,以及隨車售票工作所賦予的意義與能動性。主要材料包括報章雜誌、政府公報、公路局制度規章,及訪談12位來自於農村1970年代投入公路局的隨車售票員。 在就業選擇有限的情況下,待遇較為優渥的隨車售票員成為60、70年代年輕女孩嚮往的工作。透過個別訪談可以發現,隨車工作優渥的待遇,以及外宿、隨車移動、增加婚姻愛情機會的工作特性,賦予了受傳統父權家庭束縛的農村女孩追求自由、夢想的能動性,這份工作不但提升了她們的社會地位與自我成就感,同時也增加了她們得以向上流動的機會。然而在了解隨車售票員的工作處境後(包括乘車人數眾多,繁複的計價方式),卻發現她們在諸多不合理的條件下被要求符合服務精神,若未能符合服務精神時,就會遭到「晚娘面孔」歧視性的指責。同時她們的工作機會、待遇也因其女性身分而受到性別化的制度限制。在性別不平等的結構限制下,同事情誼成為她們抵抗壓迫的支持力量,同事支持網絡對於隨車售票員的工作觀感有重要意義與影響力。 透過歷史研究,我們可以看見60、70年代農村女性所面臨的社會處境與性別關係,同時也可以看見性別意識形態、性別化制度如何對女性的工作處境與就業發展造成不利。另外,她們的經驗也讓我們看見工作的價值與意義並非僅建立在金錢、權力或聲望上面,還有其它可能性,例如擺脫父權控制、爭取個人自由、提升自我成就感、增加婚姻市場中的協商能力和機會等。


This study explores the history of women bus attendants in Taiwan in the period between 1950s and 1980s. I interviewed 12 women bus attendants who came out of rural Taiwan in the 1970s and show how they encountered the various gender constraints imposed by their family and work environment. By tracing their individual stories, this thesis reveals the meanings of work and the agency of the individual young girl who was restricted by rural patriarchal communities. Bus attendant was the dream job for many young girls in Taiwan during 1960s and 1970s. They saw the job as an opportunity to get out of the constraints of the rural patriarchal family, to have romances, and to meet future husbands. In other words, the job implied a chance for upward social mobility. However, the work situation of bus attendant was not as ideal as they might have imagined—buses were often packed with passengers, and they were to deal with the complicated bus fare system. They chances of being promoted were also limited because of the assumption that they would quit as soon as they were married, a common practice at that time. Even though they had limited social and economic resources; they developed ties with their co-workers and built supportive network of sisterhood, which enabled them to resist the oppression resulted from gender inequality. This study also shows that the meanings of work, as revealed by the women interviewed, are multiple; a job is not merely a source of income or a status, it may also mean an escape from the prescribed life course, an opportunity of possible romances and future marriage, and a sense of self-worth. By becoming bus attendants, these rural young girls obtained individual freedom and a sense of achievement. In other words, they opened up a space of negotiation for their lives.


一、 史料
台灣省公路局編(1986),《公路局四十年》,台北: 台灣省公路局。
林栭顯(1999),《台灣汽車客運公司之營運沿革》,南投: 台灣省文獻委員


蔡牧融(2014)。她們想/需要什麼樣的法律? ─性別工作平等法典型歷史敘事的反思〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02648
