  • 學位論文


Assessing Oral Impacts Daily on Performances(OIDP) of Indigenous School Children in Ping-Tung County

指導教授 : 楊奕馨


中文摘要 研究背景 相關的研究發現國內學童口腔健康狀況有城鄉的差距,原住民鄉學童之齲齒率比平地學童高,而且就醫填補率低也比平地學童低,突顯原住民學童口腔問題。因此,本研究擬探討原住民學童自覺口腔狀況與其對日常生活影響相關因素,做為屏東縣衛生及教育單位推動口腔保健策略及衛生教育之參考。 研究目的 探討(一)原住民學童自覺口腔狀況分布情形(二)了解原住民學童口腔保健及甜食行為之現況(三)原住民學童自覺口腔狀況日常生活(OIDP)相關性探討(四)探討影響原住民學童(OIDP)之重要口腔自覺狀況因素。 研究方法 本研究設計採橫斷性研究,以問卷調查屏東縣原住民8個鄉之國小四到六年級學童;共計1,188位。收案期間自2008年2月至3月。OIDP問卷包含口腔狀況對學童日常吃東西、說話、刷牙、睡覺、微笑、學校活動、心情/情緒、讀書及交朋友的影響程度。 研究結果 研究發現在自覺口腔問題方面,以牙齒不夠白佔44.7%為最多,其次是牙痛佔25.5%,自覺敏感性牙齒佔22.3%。對日常生活的影響層面以牙痛最大;對九項日常生活影響均達顯著性相關,其次以牙齒不夠白對七項日常生活影響達顯著性相關。 研究對象從國小前(53.5%)即開始有刷牙習慣,刷牙時間3分鐘以內即完成者佔47.39%、除牙刷外之潔牙工具使用牙線者佔39.06%、使用貝氏刷牙法潔牙者最少。 經迴歸分析顯示刷牙時間、除牙刷外的潔牙工具的選擇,會與生活品質顯著相關;若有口腔健康問題並接受醫療處置,會正向改善其生活品質。 結論 整體而言,原住民學童之自覺口腔問題以牙痛對日常生活影響層面最廣,對牙齒不夠白最在意,顯示該年齡層兒童對外在形象隨年齡漸長而更重視。綜論以上研究資料,突顯口腔問題對原住民學童的日常生活有顯著相關,因此在口腔保健行為推廣政策應加強落實,此研究可作為原住民鄉學童口腔保健執行策略及衛生教育之參考。


Abstract Background: Dental caries problems arising as a result from living environmentand food habits already have become a public issue for many countries. Related studies have shown that caries of children living in urbane areas differ from those in countryside areas. Indigenous children have a higher dental caries ratio than urban-dwelling children, and also have a lower ratio of seeking medical treatment. These are significant factors of the indigenous oral hygiene problem. This study aims to discuss the oral cavity situation of indigenous children and factors affecting their daily life, so that Ping-Tung County health and educational units may use it as a reference for setting into action policies for oral cavity medical treatment and health education. Study objective: Discussion and study of the: 1) distribution situation of indigenous children’s self-assessment of their oral condition; 2) oral cavity health care behavior of indigenous children; 3) related factors affecting indigenous children’s self-feeling about their oral cavity condition and their daily life (OIDP); 4) relationship between indigenous school children’s oral cavity health care and affects on their daily life(OIDP). Methods: This study using a cross-sectional study method to carry out complete research on 1,188 indigenous students, grades 4 to 6 elementary school levels living in eight indigenous townships from February until March, 2008. The OIDP of the paper includes: Eating, Speaking, Cleaning mouth, Sleeping, Smiling, Doing activities, Emotion, and Social contact. Results: Results showed that for the self-perception of oral condition, 44.7% felt that their teeth were not white enough to tolerate, followed by tooth pain at 25.5%, and self-feeling of sensitive teeth at 22.3%. Tooth pain affected their daily life the most, having significant effect to their daily life, followed by their teeth not being white enough, which affected their daily life with significant effect.Research subjects who started brushing teeth behavior before elementary school were at 53.5%, but those who brushed every morning and night and after meals only accounted for 6.5%. Those taking 3 minutes to brush their teeth accounted for 47.4%, while those using a teeth cleaning tread everyday accounted for 39.1%, and those using the Bass brushing method accounted for 44.7%.The analysis determined that for these students, the time of brushing, and whether choosing and using teeth cleaning equipment, both will affect their daily life quality. The acceptance of treatment when having oral cavity will bring positive effects to their life quality. Conclusion: In general, indigenous school children’s oral cavity health behavior is worse than the general population. Most self-feeling oral cavity problems the students cared mostly about were tooth pain which affects their daily life most widely and feeling that their teeth were not white enough. Most of this group were 6th grade school children, which shows that these older students cared more about their appearance. The above data shows that indigenous school children’s oral cavity health behavior has not been properly promoted and needs strong intervention. This study thus can be use as a guideline for indigenous school children’s oral cavity hygiene health education.


