  • 學位論文


A Path Analysis among Mindfulness, Parenting Stress, and Mental Health in Parents of Children with Developmental Delay

指導教授 : 莊勝發


相較於一般發展兒童家長,發展遲緩兒家長的親職壓力較高,而較高的親職壓力會影響家長的心理適應情形。近來正念介入常用以緩解壓力,文獻亦指出,正念會影響壓力適應的歷程,故本研究將探討台灣發展遲緩兒家長的親職壓力、正念與心理健康間的關係。研究對象為113名學齡前發展遲緩兒之家長,以親職壓力量表簡式版(Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, PSI/SF)評估親職壓力;中文版正念覺察注意量表(Chinese Translation of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, CMAAS)量測個體的正念程度;心理健康連續量表-台灣短版(the Taiwan version of Mental Health Continuum Short-Form, TMHC-SF)和流行病學中心憂鬱研究量表(Center of Epidemiology Study-Depression Scale, CES-D)分別評估正負向的心理健康情形。相關分析發現,正念與親職壓力、憂鬱呈負相關,與心理健康呈正相關。SEM徑路分析顯示,正念透由緩解親職壓力,從而提升心理健康狀態。整體而言,學齡前期遲緩兒家長的正念程度越高,越能有效因應親職壓力,對心理健康有促進之效果,因此,正念將是遲緩兒家長重要的保護因子。本研究結果可作為臨床工作者,改善遲緩兒家長心理適應結果的參考。


發展遲緩 親職壓力 正念 憂鬱 心理健康


Parents of children with developmental delay experience more parenting stress than parents of typically developing children. Higher parenting stress could influence their psychological adaptation. Recently, mindfulness intervention has been applying to reduce stress. Literatures also indicate that mindfulness could affect the process of stress adaptation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation among parenting stress, mindfulness, and mental health of the parents of children with developmental delay in Taiwan. Participants include 113 parents of preschool children with developmental delay. We use the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI/SF) to evaluate the parenting stress, and Chinese Translation of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (CMAAS) to evaluate the level of mindfulness. The Taiwan version of Mental Health Continuum Short-Form (TMHC-SF) and Center of Epidemiology Study-Depression Scale (CES-D) are respectively used to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the mental health. The result of correlation analysis shows that mindfulness correlates negatively with the parenting stress and depression, and positively with the mental health. SEM path analysis manifests that mindfulness appears to have a positive influence on the mental health of the parents through reducing parenting stress. In sum, the more mindful the parents are, the more effectively the parents cope with the parenting stress, and mindfulness could enhance their mental health. Therefore, mindfulness will be an important protective factor for parents of children with developmental delay. The results of this study provide implications for clinical practitioners to improve the adaptive outcome of parents of children with developmental delay.


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