  • 學位論文


The influence of round sole shoe in functional motion of lower extremity

指導教授 : 林槐庭


緣由:鞋子對於我們日常行走及跑步時是一項非常重要的工具。一雙好的鞋子不僅要適合自己的腳,同時需要兼顧保護、緩震的功能。MBT是一雙由瑞士的一間公司所製造出來鞋子,鞋底是弧形構造,此種鞋子在行走及跑步時的運動學、動力學會有所改變,但日常活動不止行走及跑步,上下樓梯、跳躍和變向運動也是日常生活上常運用到的技能,但穿著弧形鞋在這些活動中是否也會受到影響,則是需要進一步作討論。 目的:探討弧形大底構造的鞋子與一般平底鞋,在執行10公尺直線行走、10公尺直線慢跑、切入動作、上下階梯以及跳躍著地時,對於下肢肌肉活化以及下肢運動學的影響。 方法:本實驗招募15名受試者,皆為男性,分別讓他們穿著弧形鞋及一般平底鞋執行六個功能性動作,使用三度空間動作分析系統、力板、表面肌電訊號儀測量下肢6條肌肉在這些動作時肌肉活化情形以及下肢三個關節的運動學。 結果:研究結果發現,穿著弧形鞋在行走、下樓梯的股內側肌以及上樓梯、變換方向的股內側肌和股外側肌較一般平底鞋有顯著較大的活化,但是在行走、跳躍向上及變換方向的股二頭肌以及上樓梯的腓腸肌和跳躍向上的股內側肌及腓腸肌,穿著弧形鞋時這些肌群活化較平底鞋來的小。此外,穿著弧形鞋在行走時踝關節的外轉角度、慢跑時踝關節外轉角度、下樓梯時踝關節外轉角度、上樓梯時的踝關節蹠屈、踝關節外轉、髖關節的外展角度以及變換方向跑的踝關節內翻角度都較平底鞋大;但是穿著弧形鞋在行走時髖伸直角度、髖外轉角度、下樓梯時髖關節外轉角度、上樓梯時踝關節背屈角度、跳躍向上及跳躍落地時的踝關節背屈角度都較平底鞋來的小。 結論:穿著弧形鞋可以有效提升股內側肌的肌肉活化,對於股內側肌肌力不足的人是有幫助,另外腓腸肌的結果雖然未達顯著差異,但也都有比較小的趨勢,可以幫助腓腸肌緊繃的患者。從結果也發現,穿著弧形鞋在其他種類的功能性動作對於特定肌肉的活化效果可能會比行走來的好,因此不一定只能用弧形鞋來做行走的訓練也可以利用其他種類的功能性動作來當作訓練的一環。


Introduction: The shoes are the important instruments during walking and running. A good pair of shoes is not only need to fit our foot but also provide protection and cushion during activities. The MBT shoes is made by the company in Switzerland, with a rocker shape of sole, it would change the kinematics and kinetics during walking and running. Whether this type of shoes would affect other daily activities or exercises such as ascending and descending stairs, jumping, cutting need further investigate. Purposes: Investigate the effect of round sole shoes in lower extremity kinematics and muscles contractions during 10m walking, 10m running, cutting, jumping and ascending and descending stairs. Method: Fifteen healthy university students were recruited in this study. The 3D Motion analysis system, force plate and surface electromyography system were used to measure the lower extremity kinematics and muscle activations during testing activities. Result:The results showed that when wearing round sole shoes, the vastus medialis during walking, descending stairs, and vastus medialis and vastus lateralis during ascending stairs and cutting had larger muscle activations than wearing normal shoes. However, the biceps femoris during walking, jumping during ascending, and cutting; the medial gastrocnemius during ascending stairs, and jumping during ascending, the vastus medialis during jumping during ascending all showed less muscle contractions when wearing round sole shoes. In the kinematics analysis, larger ankle external rotation angle was found during walking, running, ascending and descending stairs when wearing round sole shoes. Moreover, larger ankle plantarflexion and hip adduction during ascending stairs, and ankle inversion angle during cutting were found when wearing round sole shoes. Nevertheless, less joint angle when wearing round sole shoes were found in the hip extension and hip external rotation angle during walking, the hip external rotation angle during descending stairs, the ankle dorsiflexion angle during ascending stairs, the ankle dorsiflexion angle during both ascending and descending of jumping. Conclusion: We found that wearing round sole shoes could significantly increase quadriceps muscle and decrease gastrocnemius activation. From our result we could see that wearing rocker shoes for the specific muscle may be better than walking during other functional tasks. So it is not necessary to use round sole shoes to do the training of walking, it can also to use other functional tasks to act as a training method. Further research can investigate the effect of round sole shoes of patients with lower limb injury and this study was immediate experiment, we can take a long-term training in the future.


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