  • 學位論文


Active Processing Working Memory in Patients with Very Mild and Mild Dementia of Alzheimer's Type

指導教授 : 郭乃文


目的:Vecchi等人(1999)發現測驗所需的主動操弄量能敏感地偵 測到輕度阿茲海默氏症(Mild Dementia of Alzheimer’s disease, 簡稱MDAT)患者的工作記憶變化,所謂「主動操弄」指得是負責對儲存的訊息進行轉換、操弄或統整。本研究藉由比較社區老人與不同程度之早期阿茲海默氏症患者在主動操弄測驗上的表現來探討極輕度阿茲海默氏症(Very mild Dementia of Alzheimer’s disease, 簡稱VMDAT)患者的認知功能障礙,以做為未來診斷與治療之參考依據。 方法:受試者包括MDAT病患29名、VMDAT患者31名、及32名社區正常老人,以多種語文和非語文的主動操弄測驗為衡鑑工具來進行比較,包括魏氏記憶測驗—邏輯記憶、曾氏語文工作記憶量表、生活性語文工作記憶量表、廣泛性非語文記憶力測驗組(Comprehensive Non-verbal Memory Test Battery, 簡稱CNMT)、物體記憶檢查(Fuld Object Memory Evaluation, 簡稱FOME)。 結果:相較於社區組,MDAT組在所有測驗的表現均較差;除FOME的提取無效與再認之外,社區組在其他測驗分數指標的表現皆優於VMDAT組;VMDAT組在魏氏記憶測驗—邏輯記憶、FOME的所有分數指標、CNMT學習階段的有效記憶項與能夠完成學習階段的人數比率均較MDAT組佳。 討論:本研究結果顯示VMDAT患者無論在語文或非語文部分的主動操弄能力都呈現受損。當語文刺激加上邏輯概念時,MDAT病患所遭遇的困難多於VMDAT患者,而在非語文部分則呈現VMDAT與MDAT患者在學習歷程中的穩定性和執行功能已出現障礙,且在部分代表學習能力的向度上可見MDAT病患的表現不如VMDAT患者,由上述結論可見VMDAT病患在認知處理歷程的工作記憶部件之退化程度明顯不同於社區老人與MDAT患者。未來將依此結果設計適合篩檢VMDAT之測驗模組,進而藉此規劃適合的介入方案。


Objective:Vecchi et al. (1999) proposed the amount of active processing could detect the variation of working memory in patients with Mild Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (MDAT). Active processing refers to the modification, integration, or transformation of information which may be required by a task. This research was designed to investigate the level of cognitive deficit in patients with Very Mild Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (VMDAT), by comparing the performance between healthy elderly and patients with dementia in distinct stage in active processing task. It was expected that the exploration of this research could be regarded as a basis of clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods:Participants include 29 patients with MDAT, 31 patients with VMDAT, and 32 healthy elderly. A variety of verbal and nonverbal active processing tasks were performed, include Logical Memory of Wechsler Memory Scale-III (WMS-III), Zing’s scale of verbal working memory, Scale of instrumental verbal working memory of daily life, Comprehensive Non-verbal Memory Test Battery (CNMT), Fuld Object Memory Evaluation (FOME). Results:Comparing to patients with MDAT, healthy elderly performed better in all index. Healthy elderly performed more superior to patients with VMDAT in all index except for ineffective reminders and retention of FOME. Patients with VMDAT were doing better than patients with MDAT at Logical Memory of WMS-III, all index of FOME, CL of CNMT. More healthy elderly achieve learning stage in CNMT than patients with VMDAT. Conclusion:The results suggested that verbal and nonverbal active processing were impaired in patients with VMDAT. Patients with VMDAT performed better than patients with MDAT while verbal information accompany with logical concept. The stability and executive function in learning nonverbal information was impaired in patients with VMDAT and MDAT. Patients with MDAT were also performed worse than patients with VMDAT on some component of learning ability. It concluded that the deterioration of working memory component in patients with VMDAT was significant different from healthy elderly and patients with MDAT. The exploration were be used to design a test battery for screening patients with VMDAT, and a cognitive rehabilitation program for training patients with VMDAT.


Working Memory Active processing


李眉、林克能、周碧瑟、王署君、傅中玲、劉秀枝(1994)。知能篩檢測驗(CASI C-2.0)。第一屆華文社會心理與教育測驗學術研討會。


