4次持慢箋至社區藥局調劑的經驗。 二、98%民眾認為可以讓拿藥更方便、95%民眾認為能增進良好的關係、96%民眾認為能獲得同樣品質的藥品、約88-96%民眾認為可以節省時間、金錢、得到更多的用藥知識、拿同樣品質的藥品更方便。 三、整體來看,90 - 97%的民眾具有相當高滿意度。 結論 整合全部問卷題目的回答,超過90%民眾有相當高的滿意度願意持續拿慢箋到社區藥局給藥師調劑,這對醫藥分業政策非常有利。未來將針對在醫院調劑處方的民眾也做調查,以全面性探討民眾對醫藥分業態度之瞭解。' /> 探討社區民眾體驗慢箋釋出至社區藥局調劑之經驗後對其政策所持態度、需要性及滿意度—以大台北縣市為例 = A Study of the Attitude, Demand and the Degree of Satisfaction on the Experiences of their Refill Prescription in the Community Pharmacy — Residents of Taipei City and its Metropolitan Vicinity|Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
  • 學位論文


A Study of the Attitude, Demand and the Degree of Satisfaction on the Experiences of their Refill Prescription in the Community Pharmacy — Residents of Taipei City and its Metropolitan Vicinity

指導教授 : 詹道明
共同指導教授 : 譚延輝(Yan-Hui Tan)


摘 要 背景: 台北市藥師公會慢箋團隊輔導社區藥局藥師針對持慢箋到社區藥局之民眾推展專業服務,以增進民眾用藥安全、深耕美好的關係、營造藥師信用已有三年。這些努力是否讓民眾感受到好處?是否覺得重要?是否對服務感覺滿意,需要以研究方式進行瞭解。 目的: 本研究是以問卷調查大台北地區民眾對慢箋釋出政策的態度、需要性及滿意度。 方法: 台北市藥師公會透過慢箋團隊的管道,發送問卷給曾經持慢箋到218家社區藥局中任何一家調劑的民眾,詢問有關慢箋釋出政策的重要性、需要性及滿意度的意見。2006年7-9月回收問卷,以Likert scale評量計分方式用SPSS統計軟體進行分析。統計方法包括計算各量度百分比、Cronbach's α信度係數(Reliability coefficient)及相關性。 結果: 一、回收問卷2089份,受訪民眾平均年齡54歲,66%受訪民眾有>4次持慢箋至社區藥局調劑的經驗。 二、98%民眾認為可以讓拿藥更方便、95%民眾認為能增進良好的關係、96%民眾認為能獲得同樣品質的藥品、約88-96%民眾認為可以節省時間、金錢、得到更多的用藥知識、拿同樣品質的藥品更方便。 三、整體來看,90 - 97%的民眾具有相當高滿意度。 結論 整合全部問卷題目的回答,超過90%民眾有相當高的滿意度願意持續拿慢箋到社區藥局給藥師調劑,這對醫藥分業政策非常有利。未來將針對在醫院調劑處方的民眾也做調查,以全面性探討民眾對醫藥分業態度之瞭解。


Abstract Background The task force of Promoting Release of Refill Prescription(PRRP) of the Taipei Pharmacist Association (TPA) have tutoring and assisting the community pharmacists to provide professional services to promote safe use of drugs, build up good relationship with neighbors for about three years already. It is the time to investigate the outcomes in terms of the benefits people feel, the demands of the people, and their satisfaction on the service system. Aims This survey study is to investigate the people who take refill prescription to the community pharmacy in the Great Taipei Area about their attitude, demand and satisfaction to the Policy of PRRP. Methods TPA prepare the questionnaire and locate it in 218 community pharmacies around the Great Taipei Area. Whenever people bring the refill prescription to the community pharmacy, pharmacist will ask him or her to fill up the questionnaire. The questionnaires was collected during July to September of 2006 and analyzed using SPSS software on the Likert scale of each items to evaluate the degree of importance, demand and satisfaction. The statistics also include calculating measures of percentage, Cronbach's α reliability coefficient, correlation etc. Results 1. There were 2089 questionnaires returned. Mean age of the respondents were 54 years, 66% of them have more than 4 refill prescriptions dispensed in the community pharmacies. 2. 98% people think PRRP is more convenient of getting medicine, 95% people think it can enhance good relationship, 96% people think they can obtain medicines of same quality, around 88-96% of the people think it is highly to very highly important that it can spare the time, money in getting more knowledge and drugs of same quality more conveniently. 3. Over all, 90-97% people have high degree of satisfaction and demand. Discussion The results indicated that more than 90% of people are highly satisfied with the PRRP policy and will continue visit the community pharmacy, this is a good sign for future development of the Policy of Separation of Dispensing from Prescribing. Future study should also include people who dispensed in the hospital pharmacy. [Key words ] Community pharmacist, refill prescriptions, satisfaction, community pharmacy, pharmacy services, drug safety, Policy of Separation of Dispensing from Prescribing


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3.Hardigan, W.D.,二十一世紀美國藥師扮演的新角色,台北市藥師公會會刊,第16卷,第4期:38-44,1999。


