  • 學位論文


Health-promoting Behavior and Its Related Factors among the Students of Post-RN Baccalaureate Program

指導教授 : 楊美賞


護理人員是健康照顧的提供者,其本身的健康促進行為將影響對個案的照護品質。 本研究目的在探討在職進修護理學士學位之護理人員健康促進行為的執行現況及其與社會人口學屬性的關係。採描述性相關研究設計,以南部某技術學院之所有二技之在職進修護理人員為研究對象,共得有效問卷350份。研究工具以結構式問卷,匿名自填方式收集,所得資料以描述性及推論性統計進行分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)在職進修護理學士學位之護理人員健康促進行為總量表標準化得分為48.72,屬偏低程度;在各分量表中社會支持行為分量表得分最高,為66.04;運動行為分量表得分最低,為26.69。(2)在職進修護理人員的年齡越大、自覺健康狀況較佳者、三年級學生、信仰佛、道教及上正常班者,其整體健康促進行為執行度顯著較佳。(3)健康促進行為執行狀況總量表得分與自覺健康狀況得分呈顯著正相關。 本研究結果建議,在職進修護理人員應積極提升自己的健康促進行為,而進修的學校宜增加體育運動時間或健康促進課程,以提升學生的健康促進行為。


Nurses are health care providers and the health-promoting behavior of nurses would affect the quality of care. The purposes of this study were to understand the status of health-promoting behavior and to detect the correlation between social demographic factors and the implementation of health-promoting behavior among nurses who took post-RN Baccalaureate program. A total of 350 nurses were recruited and asked to completed the structured questionnaire anonymously. Collected data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The results of the study showed that: (1) the standardized score of the whole scale of health-promoting behavior was 48.72, which was a rather low score. The highest score was found in 〝Social support behavior subscale〞which was 66.04, and the lowest was 26.69 in the 〝Exercise behavior subscale〞. (2) The participant nurses who were older, had better self-perceived health status, were third-year students, believed in Buddhism and Taoism and work on day shift were more likely to have better implementing health-promoting behavior. (3) The significant positive correlation was found between implementation of health-promoting behavior and self-perceived health status. According to the results of this study, nurses who took post-RN Baccalaureate program should enhance their health-promoting behavior. Moreover, schools should also increase PE (physical education) or health promotion courses appropriately to improve students’ health-promoting behavior.


行政院衛生署國民健康局(2007) .國民健康局年報.2009年3月5日取自
