  • 學位論文


Preservation and Resource Conservation Worldview: The Development of a Measure

指導教授 : 余麗樺


本研究旨在編製一個環境態度量表,反映保存 (preservation) 和資源善用(resource conservation) 這兩組不同的世界觀,並且實徵地檢驗這兩組觀點和支持開發與否的關聯。認同保存觀點的人,致力於維護自然環境的完整,因此傾向反對會破壞生態或是使自然景觀消失的開發。資源善用者則認為自然最重要的角色就是提供人們的生活所需,因此當開發可以滿足人的需求,縱使要犧牲一些動植物的權益,傾向此觀點的人還是會贊成。 編製本量表的過程主要分成四個階段,第一個階段是「題目撰寫與修改」,包含編寫題目、進行專家效度評定,以及藉由訪談修改題庫中的題目。第二個階段是「題目篩選」,本研究蒐集了299位大學生對自編題目的反應之後,從中選出鑑別力較佳的題目40題形成正式量表。在第三個階段「正式量表之信、效度檢驗」,本研究另外邀請到302位大學生填寫量表,以蒐集正式量表的信、效度資料。第四個階段「發展簡式量表」的主要目的,則是為本量表發展一個題數減半的簡短版本,以提高本量表的實用價值。 在多方面的檢驗之下,本量表具有不錯的信、效度。信度資料包括保存、資源善用向度內的題目各自具有高內部一致性,以及良好的再測信度。本量表的效度證據則有四項,第一項是在驗證性因素分析中編製模型和資料適配良好,第二項則是本量表與現有的生態中心分量表有符合理論的關聯。第三項效度證據則是填答者在保存向度和資源善用向度的反應,可以預測其支持開發的程度。越傾向保存觀點的填答者越反對三個開發計畫,而越傾向資源善用的填答者則是越支持。第四項效度證據則是團體差異分析:對生態有較多關注和瞭解的生物系學生在資源善用向度的得分顯著低於一般大學生。


This study aims to develop a scale for assessing two sets of environmental worldviews: resource conservation and preservation. According to environmental ethics theories, preservationists sought to protect the environment from human activities that would disrupt or degrade it, and thus tend to object land or forest development. On the other hand, conservationists believe that nature exists to serve human needs, and thus tend to support development that serves public needs. At the first stage of scale construction, 66 items were derived from environmental ethics theories and reviewed by five experts. I also pretested these items on five college students to ensure that the items were clear and correctly understood. Based on data from 299 college students, the initial items were selected by their item-total correlations, factor loadings and the t values of extreme groups. The 40 items that performed best on the above criteria formed the scale. To assess the reliability and validity of this scale, I administered it to another group of 302 college students. The Cronbach’s α was 0.89 for the preservation subscale and 0.85 for the resource conservation subscale, and their test-retest reliabilities were 0.89 and 0.62 respectively. Evidence of validity was also satisfactory. First, the conceptual model of this scale fitted well with participants’ responses in confirmatory factor analysis. Second, this scale related reasonably with Thompson and Barton’s ecocentric scale. Precisely speaking, the preservation scores correlated positively and significantly with ecocentric scores, whereas the resource conservation scores had slight negative correlation with ecocentric scores. Third, participants’ who scored high on preservation objected three development projects more. In contrast, participants who scored high on resource conservation support the projects more. Fourth, biology students scored lower on resource conservation subscale than students who took general education courses did. Finally, the scale was simplified by keeping the 10 items with highest factor loadings on either of the two subscales. This new, shorten version thus has 20 items. It also had high internal consistency, test-retest reliability and validity evidences as good as those for the full-length scale.


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