  • 學位論文


Traumatic dental injuries in Kaohsiung preschool children

指導教授 : 陳弘森


研究目的:牙齒外傷無論在臨床上或公共衛生上都是一重要課題,但焦點多集中在恆齒外傷,鮮少針對乳齒外傷的調查。本研究針對高雄市學齡前兒童,調查其乳齒外傷的盛行率,及受傷牙齒部位、形式、原因和地點的分佈情形。 研究材料及方法:本研究於高雄市幼稚園、托兒所中隨機選取10所,針對其中3到6歲園生進行調查。資料收集分兩部份,一方面由牙醫師進行口腔檢查,紀錄兒童牙齒外傷情形;另外,由兒童之主要照護者填寫一份關於兒童口腔部位受傷經驗的問卷。總共收集到711位兒童(341位男孩及370位女孩)的資料,經整理並輸入電腦後,以JMP 5.01統計軟體進行分析,包括次數分配、t檢定、卡方檢定及ANOVA,p值設為0.05。 結果:經由口腔檢查得到高雄市學齡前兒童乳齒外傷的盛行率為19.41 %;牙釉質斷裂(40.12%)及牙釉質和牙本質斷裂但未暴露牙髓(28.49%)是最常見的受傷形式,受傷牙齒中以上顎牙齒居多,尤其是上顎正中門齒(81.98%)。 問卷調查則呈現8.86%的兒童有乳齒受傷經驗,牙釉質和牙本質斷裂但未暴露牙髓(32.10%)及震盪(20.99%)為最常見的受傷形式,上顎正中門齒(88.89%)為最容易受傷的牙齒;跌倒為乳齒外傷最常見的原因(52.61%),其次為碰撞(36.46%);大多數的意外情形發生在家中(59.26%)。 在是否有乳齒受傷情形方面,不同性別及年齡層之間並沒有顯著差異。而受傷牙齒顆數在不同性別及年齡之間也未達統計上顯著差異。 結論:本研究結果發現,高雄市學齡前兒童乳齒外傷盛行率為19.41%,上顎前牙為最常見受傷牙齒,而受傷牙齒中以牙冠斷裂佔大多數。然而,由主要照護者填寫的問卷中卻只有8.86%的兒童有乳齒受傷經驗,有許多輕微的牙齒受傷被家長忽略,應教育民眾關於乳齒外傷所帶來的傷害及相關的處理方式等知識,並加強環境安全減少傷害的發生。 關鍵字:牙齒外傷,乳齒,學齡前兒童


牙齒外傷 乳齒 學齡前兒童


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and distribution of traumatic injuries of primary teeth among preschool children in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Material and methods: 711 children (341 boys and 370 girls) aged 3-6 years old participated this study. Clinical examination records clinical evidence of traumatic dental injuries of each subject. Questionnaire about the history of dental trauma were completed by their parents. Results: Clinical examination revealed 19.41% of subjects with clinical signs of dental trauma. The most common type of dental injuries was enamel fracture (40.12%), followed by enamel-dentin fracture without pulp involved (28.49%). The maxillary teeth were more often affected than the mandibular teeth. Upper central incisors were mostly affected (81.98%). The questionnaires indicated that the prevalence of dental injuries was 8.86%. Both enamel-dentin fracture without pulp involved (32.10%) and concussion (20.99%) were more common types of dental injuries. Falls were the major cause of trauma (52.61%). Most of the injuries had occurred at home (59.26%). The maxillary central incisors were the teeth most affected (88.89%). There were no statistically differences in the susceptibility to traumatic dental injuries between boys and girls. The difference of the prevalence of traumatic dental injuries among different age groups was also statistically insignificant. Conclusion: The prevalence of traumatic dental injuries for preschool children in Kaohsiung was 19.41%. However, the questionnaires showed a smaller prevalence rate of 8.86% the difference could be caused by unawareness of the patients to the minor dental injuries of the children. The study reveals that upper incisors were the mostly affected teeth and majority of these cases involved crown fractures. Key words: dental injury, primary teeth, preschool children


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