  • 學位論文


The effects of the health educational project on human papillomavirus prevention among college woman students

指導教授 : 王秀紅


為促進青少女對HPV預防能有完整的認識,進而執行適當的防護措施,實需建置一套合於所需的衛生教育教材。本研究根據訊息結構法(message framing),編製成正向與負向兩種不同訊息結構的HPV預防衛教方案,並以計畫行為理論為研究架構,探討此衛教方案對青少女在HPV預防行為意圖的成效。運用訊息結構編製的HPV預防衛教方案進行兩組實驗組(正向組與負向組)與一組對照組(未接受衛教)的類實驗研究設計。正向組接受正向訊息結構衛教法,負向組接受負向訊息結構衛教法,對照組則不接受衛生教育措施,藉以比較實驗組與對照組以及兩種不同訊息結構方式的衛生教育對於青少女在HPV預防的知識、行為控制感、危險感受與行為意圖的影響。以方便取樣邀請南部三所護理專科學校15-16歲一年級女學生參與研究,完成研究者共481人。 研究結果顯示衛生教育方案對提升青少女HPV的相關知識、預防行為的態度、預防行為的控制感、危險感受及行為意圖有成效,但兩種不同訊息結構衛生教育(正向組與負向組)介入後的成效差異不顯著。另外,本研究比較青少女對三種HPV預防的行為意圖,發現青少女對保險套使用意圖顯著高於HPV疫苗接種及Pap篩檢。為了促使青少女能有效預防HPV感染以維護性健康,HPV的相關知識與執行正向行為的意圖應同時提升。本研究結果可做為學校衛生教育及青少女性健康政策制定的參考。


In order to promote college women’s understanding of HPV prevention and implement appropriate measures, it is necessary to provide college women with a unique education program. According to the framing message principles, this research demonstrated the HPV prevention education program through an application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to explore the effectiveness of education programs on behavioral intention for HPV prevention for adolescent women. HPV prevention education project relied on framing message principles to conduct experimental groups (a positive-message group and a negative-message group) and a control group (not receiving health education) using quasi-experimental design. The positive-message group received gain-framed teaching, negative-message group received loss-framed teaching, and control group did not receive HPV prevention teaching. The different effect for adolescent women in HPV prevention knowledge, attitude toward HPV prevention, perceived behavioral control, perceived risk and behavioral intentions effects were compared between the experimental groups by either positive- or negative-message group and the control group as well as two experimental groups. A convenience sample of 481 college women aged 15 to 16 years from three nursing schools in Southern Taiwan was recruited. The present findings show that HPV framed teaching enhanced adolescent women' HPV-related knowledge, attitude toward HPV prevention, perceived behavioral control, perceived risk and behavioral intentions. However, there was no significant difference in the effectiveness for intervention between two types of HPV framed teaching (gain-framed teaching and loss-framed teaching). In addition, comparing three HPV prevention methods in adolescent women’s behavioral intentions, adolescent women were significantly more intent to use condoms than receive HPV vaccination and Pap testing. In order to promote adolescent women to maintain sexual health against HPV infection, HPV-related knowledge and implementation of positive behavior intentions should also be improved. The results of this study may be used as the reference to school health education and young women’s health policy-making.


Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
行政院衛生署(2007,6月26日)•衛生署新聞•取自http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/DM/SEARCH_ RESULT.aspx.
行政院衛生署(2008,10月29日)•衛生統計系列(三)健康促進•取自http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006 /DM/DM2_2.aspx?now_fod_list_no= 10340&class_no=440&level_no=3.
