  • 學位論文


The knowledge and prevention behaviors toward oral diseases among female sexual workers in Kaohsiung city

指導教授 : 陳弘森


本研究以健康信念模式探究女性性工作者對口腔內病變知識、健康信念與自我效能。針對高雄市520位女性性工作者及131位女性非性工作者進行架構式問卷調查,包括基本資料、口腔內病變知識量表、健康信念量表、行動線索量表、及預防口腔內病變自我效能量表。經統計分析結果顯示︰(1)女性性工作者第一次性行為年齡在20歲以前占72.8%。(2)在口腔內病變知識量表得分,性工作者較非性工作者低。(3)全部研究對象之外在行動線索中以「電視」最多。(4)口腔內病變知識與人口學、社會心理學變項間有統計上之顯著意義。(5)「口腔內病變知識」、「行動線索」與「預防口腔內病變的自我效能」呈現顯著正相關,以複回歸分析後,全部變項之間皆具有顯著性意義。 本研究結果可提供衛政單位於公共衛生推展女性性工作者預防口腔內病變政策及衛教設計之參考。


This research focused on knowledge of oral disease, health belief, and self-efficacy of female sexual workers on the basis of the health belief model. The study population of this research comprising 520 female sexual workers and 131 female non-sexual workers were performed structured questionnaire including basic information, oral disease knowledge scale, health belief scale, cues to action scale and self-efficiency scale of oral disease prevention. According to the analysis, we might draw the following conclusions. 1. 72.8% of female sexual workers had the first sexual behavior before age 20. 2. In oral disease knowledge scale, the total scores of sexual workers were lower than non-sexual workers. 3. In external cues to action, TV were the most significant factor. 4.The knowledge of oral disease was significantly correlated to demographic and social psychological factors. 5. In multiple regression analysis, “Knowledge of oral disease”, “cues to action ” and “self-efficiency of oral disease prevention”, were positively correlated and have significance. This research could help health department to implement oral disease prophylaxis and health education in public sanitation for female sexual workers.


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