  • 學位論文

台灣某三家區域教學醫院C型肝炎以peginterferon alfa 2b與ribavirin合併治療結果分析

The analysis of hepatitis C treatment with peginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin in three regional hospitals in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳信昇


【前言】 C型肝炎病毒的感染在全世界影響了約一百七十萬人。在台灣,C型肝炎的盛行率約為2-5%,但在某些區域可高到20-60%。C型肝炎的治療目前以長效型干擾素(pegylated interferon)與ribavirin的合併使用為主,治療時間的長短可以基因型來調整。基因型1的病患可治療四十八週並且合併標準劑量的ribavirin,基因型2或3的病患,可以合併低劑量之ribavirin即已足夠。 【研究目的】 本研究的目的為收集C型肝炎治療的病患的資料,分析持續性治療反應的相關因子、不良反應的產生情形與藥物劑量的關係,以供醫護人員治療參考。 【研究方法】 本研究採取回溯性病歷回顧的方式,自2002年1月1日起至2005年12月31日止,收集三家區域教學醫院的門診病患,診斷為C型肝炎並且以peginterferon alfa 2b及ribavirin合併治療處方者。分析的參數包括病患的年齡、性別、體重、肝纖維化的級數、C型肝炎病毒的基因型與治療反應的相關性,檢驗項目異常與peginterferon alfa 2b與ribavirin劑量的相關性。 統計方法使用chi-square test、independent-samples T test及paired T test來檢驗,並使用SPSS (statistical package for social science) 8.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行分析。 【結果與結論】 在病患治療結束後六個月,病患治療成功的有46人(intention-to-treat模式為47.6%,per protocol模式為60.6%)。在不良反應方面,在總數91位病患中,出現白血球數異常的有66位(75.0 %),出現血色素異常的有65位(73.9 %),絕對中性球數異常的有27位(64.2 %),血小板異常的有31位(47.7 %),總膽紅素異常的有8位(10.8 %),甲狀腺刺激賀荷爾蒙異常的有2位(2.5 %)。 針對治療成功與否因素分析,僅對年齡及病毒基因型具有相關性(P < 0.05),與性別、體重都沒有相關性(P > 0.05)。 檢驗值異常出現的比率相當高,但是這些異常値包括白血球數,血色素、血小板數、絕對中性球數及總膽紅素無法判定與peginterferon alfa 2b或是ribavirin使用的劑量是否有關聯性。


Background: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection affects 170 million people worldwide. The prevalence of chronic hepatitis C is 2% to 5% in Taiwan, but 20-60% in some areas. The optimal therapeutic regimen for hepatitis C is pegylated interferon in combination with ribavirin. The duration of treatment may be individualized by the genotype. Patients with genotype 1 required treatment for 48 weeks and a standard dose of ribavirin; those with HCV genotype 2 or 3 seem to be adequately treated with a low dose of ribavirin. Objectives: The objectives of this study are to analyze the predictive factors of sustained response and the relationship medication dose and adverse reaction, so as to provide references of treatment. Methods: Data was collected from an outpatient computerized prescription data base of three regional hospitals from January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2005. Patients who were diagnosed as hepatitis C and were treated by combination of peginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin were included. The data analysis includes the relationship between therapeutic response and genotype, age, stage of fibrosis; the relationship between abnormality of laboratory data and ribavirin dose and peginterferon alfa 2b dose. Statistical methods used in this study are chi-square test, independent-samples T test and paired T test. We used SPSS (statistical package for social science) 8.0 for Windows software to compile statistics. Results and conclusions: After six months finished treatment, 46 patients are of the sustained biochemical response (47.6 % for intention-to-treat, 60.6 % for per protocol). In total 91 treated patients, there are 66 patients with abnormal white blood cell count (75.0 %), 65 patients (73.9 %) with abnormal hemoglobulin, 27 patients (64.2 %) with abnormal absolute neutrophil count, 31 patients (47.7 %) with abnormal platelet count, 8 patients (10.8%) with abnormal total bilirubin, and 2 patients (2.5 %) with abnormal thyroid stimulating hormone. The response of treatment is related to age and the genotype of hepatitis C virus (P < 0.05), but not related to gender and weight (P > 0.05). We can not conclude if the occurrences of abnormal laboratory data are related to the dosage of peginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin.


hepatitis C peginterferon alfa 2b ribavirin


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