  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Number of Convolution Layer and Filters by Using Mixed Model for Convolutional Neural Networks

指導教授 : 翁世峰




卷積神經網路 AlexNet VGGNet 肺炎


Pneumonia is a common disease and a leading cause of death in the world. Chest x ray is the most commonly performed radiologic procedure for pneumonia diagnosis. However, reading x-ray images can be complicated due to various medical conditions and a requirement for domain expertise and experience. Major convolutional neural network (CNN) model, such as VGGNet, had been proposed to detect x-ray images. However, CNN models often include tens to hundreds of millions of parameters, which produce heavy computation and memory loading and limit the practical usage in training and optimizing for real-world applications. To speed up diagnosis, we proposed a mixed CNN model to enhance the accuracy in detecting pneumonia from chest radiographs. This study developed a model, in which the AlexNet architecture and design concept of the convolution layers and filters in VGGNet are incorporated. We used four different weights (8-11) of convolution layers and five different combinations of the convolution filters and different max-pooling layers (2*2 and 3*3 overlapping) to form a total of thirty-five model architectures. Then, we applied those architectures to 5,863 chest X-ray images to diagnose pneumonia. The results indicated that the number of the (128、256、512) convolution filters with ten weights of convolution layer and 3*3 overlapping pooling had the greatest accuracy (86.07%) and precision (83.74%) and F1 measure (89.66%) among all the models. This model performance was also greater than the models of VGGNet. Although previous studies proved that the theory from VGGNet about deeper layers and more filters can improve the model performance. Through the proposed mixed model, we found that the model performance can be improved with fewer layers and filters. Future research may apply the proposed model to similar cases with constrained hardware resources.


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