  • 學位論文

知名藝人抑或網紅素人代言?不同類型代言人對皮膚保養品廣告效益之影響 – 以Instagram為例

The Influence of Traditional Celebrity versus Instafamous Endorsement of Skin Care Products on Advertising Effectiveness - A Case Study of Instagram

指導教授 : 陳冠年


社群媒體工具Instagram以圖片分享為主,已經受到諸多學者和商業界的關注。隨著廣告產業逐漸增大,先前的研究大多著重於使用的Instagram的行為意圖,極少著墨於廣告效益。為此,本研究探討在不同類型產品下,知名藝人與網紅素人代言如何影響廣告效益。   本研究採用2×2二因子實驗設計,探討何種類型代言人(知名藝人vs.網紅素人)搭配何種類型護膚產品(享樂屬性vs.實用屬性)有最好的廣告效果(廣告態度、購買意願、願付價格、網路口碑)。   研究結果顯示,代言人類型與產品類型兩者具有交互影響的效果:當產品為享樂屬性時,藝人代言比網紅素人代言有較佳的廣告效果;當產品為實用屬性時,網紅素人的廣告效果較大。以上研究結果有助於化粧品產業以及廣告業者擬定網路宣傳策略。


Instagram, a rising photo-sharing social media, has received lots of attention from scholars and practitioners. The advertising industry of social media has grown rapidly. Although many studies have examined the users’ intention behavior of Instagram, research on advertising effectiveness is inadequate. Drawing from construal level theory, the study examines how traditional celebrity and Instafamous differently affect advertising effectiveness when the product is perceived differently (utilitarian vs. hedonic).   Based on a 2×2 factorial design, the study is to examine which types of endorsements (traditional celebrity vs. Instafamous) with which types of skin care products (hedonic attribute vs. utilitarian attribute) has gained better advertising effectiveness, including attitude toward advertisement, purchase intention, willingness-to-pay and positive electronic word-of-mouth.   The results indicate a two-way interaction among endorsement type and product type on advertising effectiveness. That is, when the product is perceived as hedonic, celebrity endorsement is more effective than Instafamous one. On the contrary, when product type is perceived as utilitarian, Instafamous endorsement is more effective. The results may assist the marketers in developing appropriate strategies for cosmetic industry when promoting the products online.


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