  • 學位論文


The Influence Study of Application of Sales Force Automation(SFA) Systemsfor Sales Management in Pharmaceutical Industry

指導教授 : 詹道明
共同指導教授 : 陳明璋


研究背景:近年來台灣西藥產業受到全民健保,醫藥分業以及加入WTO,藥品按類分組(Grouping) 競標,總額支付制度,藥價調查等重大事件影響,對醫藥產業著實產生巨大衝擊,藥品行銷公司該如何因應?並如何在新的科技商業環境中求生存?藥品銷售主管應如何應用銷售力自動化(SFA)系統藉提昇高效能管理能力,以取得獨特之競爭優勢來增加其管理績效? 研究目的:由於有關企業導入SFA系統對經營績效影響之實證研究尚不多見,故本文選擇一適合藥業的SFA系統架構,來探討藥品銷售主管應用SFA系統後對其管理績效的影響情形。其研究之對象為目前有導入SFA系統的15家藥品行銷公司之銷售主管;並可將訪談及研究結果供藥界參考。 研究方法:本研究採用深入訪談及問卷調查的方式,共發出21封E-mail之問卷,採分兩層比例抽樣法來設計取樣,最後回收有效問卷有148份。本研究以SPSS統計軟體為分析工具,進行相關資料之處理。使用敘述性統計分析及相關性分析的方法來發展本研究。 研究結果:經過問卷調查之分析,結果為不同背景之藥品銷售主管對於SFA系統應用之管理績效貢獻,除了導入系統年數藥品銷售主管之看法沒有一致性外;其他屬性,藥品銷售主管之看法皆無差異,且持有一致性的正面性看法。 結論:整體而言,以六個SFA構面的架構,探討不同背景之藥品銷售主管對於SFA應用之管理績效貢獻,問卷調查結果是幫助很大有45.9%,稍有幫助亦達 45.9%。因此,在此一競爭環境中藥品行銷公司應以本研究所選擇內含此六個子系統(構面)之SFA系統為構建基礎,且更重視銷售力自動化系統之設計發展與提昇,如此才能真正提高銷售效率,創造更多商機。


Background: In past few years, the Pharmaceutical business in Taiwan was heavily influenced by National Insurance Scheme, Diagnosis and Prescription Separation System, WTO entrance of Taiwan, Drug Reimbursing Pricing Grouping, Total Reimbursement Budget System, and Pricing Survey Scheme. In face of highly challenging and dynamic environment,” how to re-act?”, “how to survive in the new technology environment?”, and “how the sales managers can effectively utilize the SFA to raise up their management competency and create competition advantage?” have become the key lessons for pharmaceutical companies to learn. Objective: So far, the researches regarding the management effectiveness contribution of SFA are quite limited. This study id designed to find out the SFA contribution of sales management in pharmaceutical industry through the analysis on the points of view of sales managers. This research targets on the study on the sales managers of key 15 companies who are using the SFA systems in Taiwan. And, the result of management interview and key finding will provide for the reference for pharmaceutical industry. Methods : The study use In-depth Interview and Questionnaires .The Quota Sampling method is applied in this study through questionnaires vie 21 E-mail . The actual feedback of effective questionnaires reaches 148 samples. The tool of SPSS is applied in this study for statistic analysis. And, the Chi Square Test and Descriptive Statistics are the key tools for analysis. Results: The key results are that except the variable of “using years of SFA systems installation”, all sales managers with different background posed no difference on the view of “contribution of SFA” and showed a tendency of positive comment. Conclusion: In overall , We can infer that the SFA systems posed a positive contribution for management performance, based on the questionnaire analysis from 6 phases of SFA. The 45.9% of sales managers posed “very helpful” and another 45.9% also expressed “slight helpful”. As a result , in face current highly competitive environment, the pharmaceutical company can use this proposed model of SFA with 6 phases and increase more investment on sales automation development to enhance their management effectiveness and to ensure a timely catch on all business opportunities.


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