  • 學位論文


Effects of Motivational Interviewing on Readiness to Change of Methamphetamine and MDMA Use in Adolescents

指導教授 : 顏正芳


本研究之目的在於針對強制觀察勒戒的青少年進行短期動機式晤談,評估對於其安非他命和搖頭丸使用行為準備改變動機程度之介入成效,並檢視中文版URICA量表之信效度。 受試者為94位因使用安非他命或搖頭丸而接受觀察勒戒之青少年,介入組(46人)接受三次短期動機式晤談介入會談,對照組(48人)僅接受衛教講義,使用中文版University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale﹙URICA﹚評估介入前後安非他命和搖頭丸使用行為的準備改變動機程度,以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析﹙Analysis of covariance, ANCOVA﹚進行兩組於準備改變動機程度後測分數是否有所差異之統計檢定,並檢驗中文版URICA量表之內部一致性信度、再測信度、區辨力和專家效度。 研究結果發現:中文版URICA量表之內部一致性信度、再測信度佳、區辨力佳,並通過專家效度檢驗。在控制URICA前測分數後,接受短期動機式晤談之介入組青少年的準備改變毒品使用行為的後測分數顯著高於對照組青少年﹙F(1, 90)=4.64,p <.05﹚,顯示青少年在接受短期動機式晤談後,其準備改變使用安非他命和搖頭丸行為的動機程度高於僅接受衛教資料的青少年。 由此研究結果顯示:短期動機式晤談可有效提升青少年準備改變使用安非他命和搖頭丸行為的動機程度,建議可於青少年接受觀察勒戒期間進行短期動機式晤談。


The aims of this study were to examine the effect of short-tem motivational interviewing (MI) on readiness to change of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and methylamphetamine (MAMP) use in adolescents and to examine the reliability and validity of Chinese version of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA). A total of 94 adolescents who used MAMP or MDMA were recruited consecutively from a juvenile abstinence center. Of them, 46 received a 3-session motivational interviewing (MI group) and 48 received educational materials only but no MI intervention (control group). Adolescents in the MI and control groups were pre-tested on the URICA during the same week, and then were post-tested using the URICA during the week of completion of intervention. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed to examine the effect of motivational interviewing on readiness of change scores on the URICA and on the scores of URICA subscales. The internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, discriminative validity and expert validity of the URICA were also examined. The results of this study indicated that the internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, discriminative validity and expert validity of the URICA were good. By using the pre-treatment scores as covariates, the MI group had higher post-treatment scores of readiness to change (F (1, 90) = 4.64, P < 0.05) and of Contemplation subscale (F(1, 90) = 7.62, P < 0.01) on the URICA than the control group. The results of this study support that short-term MI is effective on promoting readiness to change of MAMP and MDMA use for the adolescents who receive short-term treatment programs.




