  • 學位論文


Performance evaluation and application of a modified air sampling and analysis method of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

指導教授 : 彭瓊瑜


多環芳香烴化合物(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,簡稱 PAHs)是環境中化學污染物之一,以微量存在於環境之中。由含碳、氫之有機化合物經高溫裂解 (pyrolysis)或不完全燃燒 (incompleted combustion)而形成。主要暴露來源包括煉油廠、火力發電廠排放之懸浮微粒、汽機車排放的廢氣、抽煙、拜拜及食用燒烤類的食物。 國際癌症研究機構 (Internationa1 Agency of Research on Cancer,IARC) 指出,長期暴露於PAHs之下,與皮膚癌、呼吸器官癌及其他器官之癌症發生有相關。我國行政院勞工委員會(勞委會)對於作業環境室內PAHs 的管制濃度為有相近規範(即揮發性煤焦油瀝青,Coal tar pitch volatiles)濃度不可超過0.2 mg/m3,現行我國勞工作業環境空氣中有害物容許濃標準0.2 mg/m3,與美國職業安全衛生署 ( OSHA ) 之濃度規範限值相同。 本篇研究中主要評估氣相與固相PAHs的採樣分析方法,評估氣相(濾紙)與固相(XAD-2)介質。評估的項目包括:偵測下限、回收效率、再現性、與線性程度等,分別為0.0002-0.0017 ug/ml、2.1-119.1%、2.09-9.42%、0.991-0.999。將改良NIOSH 5515之方法作為標準方法,與本研究自行改良之新方法做方法比較,結果顯示固相PAHs採樣分析改良NIOSH 5515之方法較佳,氣相PAHs採樣分析以本研究自行改良之新方法較佳。


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitious air pollutants and comprise carbon and hydrogen atoms. They come from high temperature pyrolysis or incomplete combustion. The primary sources include an oil refinery, thermal power plant exhaust emission, automobile and motorcycle exhaust emission, smoking, incense burning and cooking. Internationa1 Agency of Research on Cancer (IARC) point out PAH exposes are related with lung cancer and skin cancer. In order to protect worker health, the time-weighting average-permissible of exposure limit for total PAHs is 0.2 mg/m3 in Taiwan, which is the same level as the regulation of US Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This study is tried to evaluated the sampling methods of particulate and gas phase PAHs. Assessements are based on limit of quantification, recovery rate, reproducibility, and linearity. The results of these evaluation items are 0.0002- 0.0017 ug/ml, 2.1-119.1% , 2.09- 9.42% , 0.991-0.99, respectively. In addition, field test was conducted. Results indicate the more particulate PAHs are found by using the NIOSH 5515 method, while more gas phase PAHs are found by using the modified method. Still, large variations are found, more investigation should be undertaken.


PAHs Air sampling IOM


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