  • 學位論文


The Quality of Life and Its Associated Factors in Patients with Vertigo

指導教授 : 周汎澔


摘要 暈眩症是一個惱人的問題,不但讓人感到生理上的不舒服,更令人產生不安及焦慮,甚而可能嚴重的影響患者本身的生活品質。研究者在臨床工作中,即發現每個月至少有200-300人次的暈眩病患到急診求醫,其中反覆發作者不在少數,他們的生活品質及其相關的影響因素亟待健康專業人員深入的暸解,然而相關的研究卻很少。本研究目的即為探討暈眩症患者生活品質現況及其相關影響因素。採橫斷性之描述、相關性研究設計,以立意取樣,在南部某區域教學醫院耳鼻喉科或神經內科門診收案,選取年滿十八歲,且已被診斷為暈眩症患者共165人。以結構性問卷調查,問卷包含個人基本屬性資料、醫院焦慮及憂鬱量表及生活品質量表。將所得資料以SPSS 12.0套裝軟體進行統計分析,以描述性統計分析人口學基本資料、皮爾森積差相關分析生活品質的相關因素,以及逐步複迴歸分析生活品質的重要預測因子。 本研究結果發現:(1)研究對象的生活品質為中低程度的生理健康層面及心理健康層面生活品質,以及中低程度的整體生活品質。(2)有配偶較無配偶的暈眩症患者擁有較佳的生活品質。(3)本研究對象的自覺暈眩程度為高等程度自覺暈眩。(4)研究對象為焦慮及憂鬱的疑似個案。(5) 焦慮、憂鬱、頭暈障礙-功能、暈眩頻率程度愈高,整體生活品質愈差。(6)焦慮、憂鬱、頭暈障礙-功能、暈眩頻率等四項預測因子可解釋58.0%的整體生活品質的總變異數, 本研究可使健康照護人員具有足夠的實證資料,能提出促進患者生活品質的照護措施,以提高暈眩症患者的生活品質。


暈眩症 焦慮 社會支持 生活品質


Vertigo is a symptom and is also a significant problem for patients. This kind of problem could bother ones’ own physical and emotional conditions, including uncomfortable symptom and anxiety. Even if influences people’s quality of life (QOL) while people have vertigo. There are almost 200-300 patients with vertigo per month in the researcher’s daily practice at emergency department. Many of them got attack frequently. Their QOL and associated factors are really needed to be understood. However, there is limited research related to this issue. The purpose of this study is to explore the quality of life and its associated factors among patients with vertigo. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study using structural questionnaires to recruit patients at a district teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. A convenience sample of 165 patients aged 18 years or above and diagnosed with vertigo. Our research tools include Demographic data, the Conditional Anxiety Scale and the QOL Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 software; the demographic data are analyzed with descriptive statistics; the correlation between QOL and related factors is analyzed by Pearson’s correlation; and multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the predictors of QOL. The findings of this study revealed patients with vertigo report lower quality of life both in physical and mental component summary. Overall, the index score of quality of life was 43.05, considerate as loe to moderate level. Patients with single status has lower QOL scoring. Patient in this study, who were high level Severity level in Self -perception of vertigo. Higher level of Anxiety, Depression, Handicap of functional, frequency of vertigo revealed lower QOL level. Anxiety, Depression, Handicap of functional, frequency of vertigo are also the important explanatory factors of QOL in patient with vertigo. They can all explained 58.0% of the total amount variance. The finding could also become an evidence-based data for health care professionals as a reference to provide better health care and to increase the QOL for patients with vertigo.


Vertigo Anxiety Social Support Quality of Life


王麗惠、 劉芹芳(2001).生活品質概念分析於護理之應用.高雄護理雜誌,22(2),41-50。
