  • 學位論文


The association among cognition of organizational change,job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses in a regional hospital.

指導教授 : 李易蓁


組織為了維持一定的競爭力,必須減少成本支出,因此推動一些變革措施,如組織重組、裁員、精簡等。本研究目的旨在瞭解某區域醫院護理人員不同人口學特質、工作特質對於組織變革認知、工作滿意度與組織承諾之現況,並進一步探討其影響因素與其相關性。期許藉由研究之結果,針對現況提出改善建議,提供醫院經營管理者決策與規劃之參考,促使其組織能更符合員工期待,並在人力資源管理上能有所助益。 本研究以某區域醫院護理人員為研究對象,為瞭解護理人員對組織變革的感受,研究對象到職日須為2009年12月前。採結構式問卷調查,總計發出211份問卷,回收有效問卷共204份,有效回收率為94%。問卷回收後使用SPSS19.0軟體進行統計分析。統計方法包含描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析與迴歸分析。 護理人員組織變革認知以經營效益認知(4.21±0.73)得分高於前程發展認知(3.87±0.65)及參與溝通認知(3.41±0.71);工作滿意度以外在滿意度(4.04±0.68)得分高於內在滿意度(3.93±0.76);組織承諾以努力承諾(4.18±0.79)得分高於認同承諾(3.74±0.78)及留職承諾(3.52±0.88)。影響組織承諾的顯著因素有年齡、婚姻狀況、子女數、年資、職務層級、雇用別。護理人員組織變革認知對工作滿意度有顯著正相關,組織變革認知對組織承諾有顯著正相關,工作滿意度對組織承諾也有顯著正相關。 不同人口學特質、工作特質於組織變革認知、工作滿意度與組織承諾有顯著性差異;迴歸分析發現,「參與溝通認知」與「內在滿意度」正向影響組織承諾。護理人員組織變革認知愈正向,工作滿意度愈佳;工作滿意度愈好,組織承諾也愈佳;組織變革認知程度愈高,組織承諾表現也愈佳。為得到護理人員對組織的認同與承諾,經營管理者應瞭解其升遷管道、重視薪資福利,有助組織永續發展。


If organization in order to maintain the competitiveness, they must to reduce the costs, thus promoting some changes measures, such as organizational restructuring, downsizing, streamlining, etc. The study aims to investigate how the differences in nurses’ personal characteristics and job characteristics that can cause variation among cognition of organizational change, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and to explore the factors. The report delivers advices to managerial level on what improvements can be effectively made in the existing human resources management system. In order to make the medical management fit to the staff’s expectations, it provides the reference for the hospital managers in policy-choosing and decision-making. This is a case study the nurses in a regional hospital, in order to understand their feelings of nursing organizational changes, the study shall be reported for duty day before December 2009. This research uses structured questionnaire. A total of 211 questionnaires were issued and the response rate was 94%, 204 completed questionnaires were returned. SPSS19.0 was then used to analyze the collected data. Statistical methods are including descriptive unvaried analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis are applied to understand the related factors. The average score of business benefits (4.21±0.73) had higher than future development (3.87±0.65) and participation communication (3.41±0.71) of the cognition of organizational change of nurses. Nurses had higher extrinsic job satisfaction (4.04±0.68) than intrinsic job satisfaction (3.93±0.76). Nurses had higher effort commitment (4.18±0.79) than value commitment (3.74±0.78) and retention commitment (3.52±0.88). The independent effects of organizational commitment factors are significantly related to age, marital status, working years, position, hire status. The cognition of organizational change of nurses has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction. The cognition of organizational change has a significant positive impact on organizational commitment. The job satisfaction has a significant positive impact on organizational commitment. Different personal characteristics have significant differences in cognition of organizational change, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. We found that nurses have higher positive impact on organizational commitment with participation communication and intrinsic job satisfaction by regression analysis. The more positive cognition of organizational change, the better is the job satisfaction. The better job satisfaction, organizational commitment will also get better. The more positive cognition of organizational change, also the better organizational commitment is. In order to obtain the nurses’ recognition of the organization and commitment, managers should be aware of their promotion pipeline, attention to wages and benefits, promote sustainable development.


刊,Vol.6, No.1, 2005, pp.115-136。


