  • 學位論文


Effect of loading instruments in shoulder and core muscles during Turkish Get-Up

指導教授 : 林槐庭


土耳其式起身是壺鈴運動中一個多變項複雜的動作,常應用於復健和訓練,其動作可分成起身階段和下降階段,每個階段各有七個步驟,每一個階段的重心轉換,軀幹的穩定都非常重要,對本體感覺的刺激大於傳統肩推和轉體動作,不對稱和旋轉是整個動作的特色和優點。在土耳其起身動作中有時會採用不同的負重器材,但是不同器材的形狀、重心位置各有不同,是否會對於整個動作有所影響,因此本實驗探討不同器材之間,在半程土耳其式起身動作下,對於肩胛與核心肌群活化是否有差異。13名有土耳其式起身訓練經驗的男性受測者,能夠完成16 kg 土耳其式起身,無關節肌肉傷害和服用藥物,了解實驗內容並填寫受試者同意書。黏貼肌電圖電極在兩側前鋸肌、上斜方肌、腹外斜肌及腹內斜肌,收最大自主收縮(MVC) 後,在固定節律(20 bpm) 下,進行半程土耳其式起身,重量分為無負重、8 kg及12 kg的啞鈴和壺鈴,以隨機次序進行測試。組內休息時間2分鐘,組間休息10分鐘,動作過程中分為六段過程,研究結果會針對每條肌肉在每個區段中,在不同重量及負重模式下的差異進行分析比較。比較壺鈴和啞鈴在HTGU動作過程中並無統計上顯著差異,整體而言啞鈴的活化高於壺鈴,尤其是核心的部分在事後檢定上腹外斜在下降腕撐回到肘撐階段啞鈴具統計上顯著差異壺鈴則沒有,腹內斜肌在上升階段腕撐到架橋過程中右腹內斜肌啞鈴組具統計上顯著差異,在不同動作階段造成的差異可能提供核心訓練不一樣的刺激,進而提升核心肌群的活化增加協同肌的參與。


Background and purpose: Turkish Get-Up (TGU) is a multi-variable complex movement in the Kettlebell movement. The TGU can be divided into the ascending and descending stage, including 7 steps in each stage. The weight shifting is very important for the trunk stability in each step. The modified-TGU, half-way Turkish Get-Up (HTGU), is usually applied in rehabilitation and athletic training. The HTGU also includes the ascending and descending stages with 3 steps in each stage. The asymmetry and rotation are the characteristics and the advantages of HTGU. However, the HTGU is not a kettlebell specific movement. The HTGU can also be applied by dumbbell and other tools. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the scapula and core muscle group activation by using various tools under HTGU movement phases. Material and methods: Thirteen male subjects with TGU training experience were included in this study. Each subject was able to complete the 16 kg TGU without having joint muscle damage and taking medication. EMG sensor was attached on the both sides of anterior serratus, upper trapezius, extralateral oblique and intra-abdominal oblique muscle. The HTGU with 5 sets, which were non-weighted, 8 and 12 kg dumbbell and kettlebell, were performed by subjects in a random order. Each set was performed 3 trials with 2-minute intervals and 10-minute break between each set. The HTGU process was divided into 6 phases. The collected signals were corrected and normalized to maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The results of this experiment were analyzed and compared the differences among each muscle under different weight and load patterns in each phase. Results: There is no significant difference between the kettlebell and the dumbbell during the HTGU movement. Overall, the muscle activation in the dumbbell sets is higher than the kettlebell sets. The core muscle shows more differences in the post hoc tests. The differences caused by the stage may provide different stimulation of the core training, thereby increasing the activation of the core muscle group and increasing the participation of the synergistic muscle.


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