  • 學位論文


Investigation into The Maxillary Buccal Vestibule

指導教授 : 周肇茂


上顎頰側前庭 ( maxillary buccal vestibule ) 是由齒槽牙齦( alveolar gingiva )、臉頰 ( cheek )、頰繫帶 ( buccal frenum ) 以及勾狀切迹 ( hamular notch ) 這四種解剖構造所圍出的一個區域,若全口義齒的凸緣 ( flange ) 能充分的進入上顎頰側前庭,可以增進義齒的周圍封閉性,進一步提高義齒的固位力 ( retention ),但這個解剖位置卻很容易被臨床醫師所忽略。 本研究的目的是評估一般牙科診所所製作的全口義齒在上顎義齒頰側邊緣的長度與厚度和口內上顎頰側前庭的深度與寬度是否有所差異。 此研究是針對100位在牙科診所製作全口義齒的患者進行測量。測量內容包括病人口腔內的解剖構造和上顎全口義齒結構兩部分,分別測量口內及義齒之前中後三部分的深度與寬度。本實驗將頰側前庭的前端定在頰繫帶後1 mm,後端定在勾狀切迹前1 mm,中間則定在前端和後端兩點間距的中點。利用牙周探針來測量深度,改造過的圓規來測量寬度,同時測量口內及全口義齒上相對應位置的深度與寬度。 在上顎頰側前庭的深度方面,結果發現上顎頰側前庭區域於前端的平均深度為7.5 mm;在中間則為8.1 mm;在後端則有9.2 mm,由前至後漸漸變深。不論在前、中、後三部分,上顎全口義齒頰側凸緣的長度均比口內頰側前庭區域深度來得少。 在上顎頰側前庭的寬度方面,結果發現上顎頰側前庭區域於前端的平均寬度為3.3 mm;在中間則為3.5 mm;在後端則有4.4 mm,由前至後漸漸變寬,最後端最寬,且不論在前、中、後三部分,上顎全口義齒頰側凸緣的厚度均比口內頰側前庭區域寬度來得少。 由本研究得到的結果可確認一般牙科診所所製作的全口義齒在 上顎頰側凸緣區的長度與厚度和口內上顎頰側前庭區的深度與寬度有顯著差異。因此建議臨床醫師可以使用牙周探針及改造過的圓規來測量頰側前庭的深度與寬度,使義齒在製作上可以充分利用這個區域以得到最大的固位性和穩定性。


The maxillary buccal vestibule is the area bounded by the alveolar gingiva, the cheek, the buccal frenum, and the hamular notch. When fabricating a maxillary denture, the buccal flange of the denture should fit into this space. It can then enhance the border seal of the dentures and increase retention. The buccal flange has a profound influence on the fabrication of complete denture but is usually not faced squarely by the clinicians. The aim of this study was to identify whether there is a significant difference between the depths and widths of the buccal vestibule and the corresponding portions of maxillary complete dentures from the dental clinics of general dentists. One hundred patients were measured in anterior ( 1 mm posterior to the buccal frenum ), middle ( center of anteroposterior length of the buccal vestibule ) and posterior ( 1 mm anterior to the hamular notch ) depths and widths of the buccal vestibule with a periodontal probe and a modified caliper. This measurement was then made with that of the corresponding portion of the existing denture. The mean depth of the anterior buccal vestibule is about 7.5 mm, the middle portion is about 8.1 mm, and the posterior portion is about 9.2 mm. The mean width of the anterior buccal vestibule is about 3.3 mm, the middle portion is about 3.5 mm, and the posterior portion is about 4.4 mm. At each portion, there is a statistical significant difference in the depths and widths of the buccal vestibule and that of the corresponding portion of the existing denture. There is a significant difference between the depths and widths of the buccal vestibule and the corresponding portions of maxillary dentures from dental clinics of general dentists. Therefore, we suggest that the clinicians could use the periodontal probe and modified caliper to measure the depth and width of the buccal vestibule to help fabricating the dentures.


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