  • 學位論文


The Effects of Group Music Therapy for the Self-Injuring Youngsters Anxiety and Depression

指導教授 : 鍾信心 楊美賞


中文摘要 本研究主要探討自我傷害青少年於團體音樂治療中的焦慮與憂鬱改善成效。採實驗性研究法,於南部某高職學校之自我傷害青少年為研究對象,以立意取樣方式選取符合選樣條件的學生,並由另一名未參與治療活動的人員依貝氏憂鬱量表前測得分依輕、中、重,分為兩組,分為實驗組與對照組,完成研究之有效樣本共64名,包括32名實驗組及32名對照組。實驗組學生連續接受每週一次,每次90分鐘,共計六次團體音樂治療後並施行後測,對照組除了施行前後測並 不接受團體音樂治療,而是在後測及研究結束後,為對照組同學進行團體音樂治療。過程中協請導師及輔導老師觀察並視其個別需求協助諮商或轉介駐校醫師,若對照組學生呈現自傷行為而出現危險協助就醫治療。主要工具包括貝克憂鬱量表及貝克焦慮量表。實驗組於團體音樂治療措施介入前及措施介入一週後各測量一次,對照組前後測時間與實驗組一致。以重複標本之t檢定分析,結果顯示接受團體音樂治療之實驗組較對照組能顯著改善自我傷害青少年的焦慮與憂鬱,並表示對團體音樂治療的方法感到滿意。建議可用在學校心理衛生輔導可與學校輔導室並與精神科做結合並主動提供團體音樂治療,協助個案身心放鬆、增進情緒的愉悅及提昇生活品質。 關鍵詞: 自我傷害、焦慮、憂鬱、團體音樂治療


Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of group music therapy on self-injuring teenagers’anxiety and depression. Pretest-Posttest comtrol group design was used in this study. The participants were some self-injuring students at a vocational school in southern Taiwan. After filling in Beck Depression Scale tested by the teachers who didn't take part in this therapy,they were assigned to the experimental and the control group. Sixty-four students had effectively completed the study,with thirty-two experimental group had continually received a ninety-minute group music therapy per week for six weeks,followed by a posttest. On the other hand,the control group only had pretest and posttest without a group music therapy. Instead, the control group was conducted a music group therapy after the posttest and the study. In the process of group music therapy,their homeroom teachers and counselors observed and offered help, and if necessary, helped their students consult the doctor in their school. If the control subjects injured themselves to a greater degree,they were suggested that they consult a doctor immediately. The instruments utilized in this study were Beck Depression Scale and Beck Anixety Scale. The experimental group was tested both before the group music and a week after the therapy, while the control group was tested at the same time as the experimental group. Analyzed by pair t-test,the results indicated that the experimental group had significantly decreased on the anxiety and depression levels than the control group, and in addition, all the subjects in the experimental group were satisfied with the group music therapy. Therefore, the group music therapy is recommended in the student counseling, along with the counseling room in school and psychiatry, to reduce students’anxiety and depression, and to improve the quality of life. Key words:self-injuring,anxiety,depression, group music therapy


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