  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Different Predicting Models on Health-Related Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients

指導教授 : 許弘毅


研究目的 屆於乳癌病患術後健康相關生活品質之相關研究逐年遞增,在台灣,鮮少有針對乳癌病患的健康相關生活品質進行縱貫性追蹤,故本研究針對該族群進行相關探討。首先,針對乳癌病患進行不同時間的健康相關生活品質之趨勢分析,接著使用類神經網路與複迴歸模式,預測不同時間點的健康相關生活品質,並進行不同預測模式預測準確性比較以及重要預測因子評估,最後,採文獻回顧方式,針對全球不同國家對於不同預測模式探討結果進行整體性討論。 研究方法 本研究採前瞻性研究,蒐集兩家醫學中心之女性乳癌病患,納入研究探討,運用健康生活相關品質量表(SF-36、QLQ-C30以及QLQ-BR23),於四個時間點(術前、術後六個月、術後一年以及術後二年)對病患進行量測,並利用病歷審查方式獲得病患、醫療機構以及醫療照護品質特性之資料,剔除診斷為良性腫瘤以及無法完整完成問卷(失聯、去世、拒訪)之病患,總樣本數為203位,運用GEE進行單變量分析以及文獻回顧方式,選擇預測因子,納入類神經網路以及複迴歸模式,運用殘差分析(Residual Analysis)及全域敏感度分析(Global Sensitivity Analysis),進行預測模式差異性探討,並找出影響健康相關生活品質的重要預測因子。 研究結果 健康相關生活品質在不同時間點的改變趨勢分析結果顯示:術前至術後6個月大部分顯著構面(P<0.05)呈現變差趨勢,僅有在性生活功能與性愉悅程度具顯著改善趨勢(P<0.05);術後6個月至術後1年顯著構面(P<0.05)一致呈現改善趨勢;術後1年至術後2年部分構面達到顯著性(P<0.05),顯著構面有變差趨勢。類神經網路與複迴歸模式的預測準確性比較結果發現,類神經網路略優於複迴歸模式。在評估重要預測因子部分,大致而言,兩種預測模式認定之重要預測因子不盡相同。各國研究對類神經網路與迴歸模式預測準確性比較結果不具一致性,但大部分文獻認為類神經網路較佳。 結論與建議 透過殘差分析,可得類神經網路適用病患特性、醫療機構以及醫療照護品質特性來預測乳癌病患術後不同時間點之健康相關生活品質之情形。類神經網路與複迴歸分析廣泛運用於不同領域的預測,而它們具有各自的適用性,故建議醫師欲了解乳癌病患術後生活品質狀況,可使用資料探勘類的類神經網路進行預測,並將傳統類的迴歸統計分析方法做為輔助,以達到最佳預測效益。類神經網路已在各個領域廣為使用,與傳統迴歸方式比較,類神經網路對於非線性狀態的資料亦有良好預測效能,且鮮少人將其運用於推估健康相關生活品質,未來研究者可嘗試使用該資料探勘方式之系統性探討。


Purpose: The studies about quality of life of breast cancer are increased year by year, but there are little studies about long-term quality of life in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss long-term quality of life of breast cancer patient who accepted the surgery (MRM, BCS or MRM+TRAM), to evaluate the changing trend, to compare the accuracy of different prediction models and to evaluate the predicting factors between Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Linear Regression Model (LRM). Finally, the study discusses the worldwide situation by paper review. Method: In this prospective study, there are 203 breast cancer patients included from two medical centers. All patients completed three questionnaires (QLQ-BR23, QLQ-C30 and SF-36) at preoperative, 6 months, 1yaer, and 2years after surgery. The study collected the detail information by chart review. The information included patient demography, medical condition, and medical care relevant factors. By using Residual Analysis and Global Sensitivity Analysis, the study discusses the difference between ANN and LRM, and conducts the comparison of important predicting factors. Result: The result showed the patients become worse on most of the dimensions at 6 months (p<0.05), and only sexual functioning and sexual enjoyment showed significant improvement (p<0.05); the significant improvement on all dimensions at 1 year (p<0.05) and at the threshold on some dimensions at 2 years (P<0.05). In comparison of different predicting models, the result showed that ANN is better than LRM, and the result also showed the different outcomes between two predicting modals. In addition, the previous studies showed inconsistent outcomes on prediction of ANN and LRM. Conclusion: ANN or LRM used on the different fields has its own advantage. If the doctors would like to know Health-Related Quality of Life of patients, they could use ANN to be a major method and LRM to be a secondary method. Although ANN could deal with nonlinear data, there are little studies about quality of life prediction by this method. Therefore, researchers could use ANN to do systemic discussion in the future.


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