  • 學位論文


The neurocognitive deficit of internet addiction: Evidence from a flanker task

指導教授 : 賴秋蓮


網路成癮(Internet addiction disorder, IAD)雖然被認為是一種心理障礙,但它的理論與存在尚未被醫學界證實。網路成癮常與藥物濫用(Substance use disorder, SUD)或衝動控制疾患(Impulse control disorder ICD)相比較,因為他們都具無法控制的衝動行為,希望透過了解IAD的神經認知相關缺陷,找出哪些人是高危險族群並發展其治療策略。本研究的目的是想利用旁側夾擊作業(Eriksen flanker task)誘發的事件相關電位(Event-related potentials, ERP)及額葉功能測驗(Frontal test battery, FAB)探討網路成癮相關的神經認知缺陷。我們以16位網路成癮者和18位健康的學生為實驗對象,平均年齡為25歲,平均教育年數為15年。所有實驗者均接受額葉功能測驗和旁側夾擊作業並同步記錄事件相關電位,再分析其錯誤率、反應時間和ERPs之振幅與潛時。網路成癮者之額葉功能測驗和旁側夾擊作業表現與控制組無顯著差異。與控制組相比,在錯誤反應時網路成癮者之錯誤相關負波 (Error related negativity, ERN) 振幅於額葉有顯著降低;錯誤正波 (Error related positivity, Pe) 振幅於額葉則明顯較大,而其潛時雖未達顯著差異但有延長之趨勢。再者,網路成癮者之N2於中央額葉有較大的振幅與較長的潛時;同時其P3不論在錯誤或正確的反應和一致或不一致的情境下,於額葉均呈現振幅下降和潛時延長的現象。本實驗利用神經電生理和行為上研究發現,網路成癮者的錯誤歷程和反應抑制能力類似於藥物濫用者。雖然本實驗無法具體證實網路成癮與認知相關缺陷的因果關係,但網路成癮者會有較差的錯誤歷程與工作記憶,且其錯誤意識與抑制不當的行為能力也較弱。因此,網路成癮者比較無法察覺網路相關的負面效應,導致他們會持續使用網路,而引起生活、人際、工作、學業與健康等種種問題。


The definition and existence of Internet addiction disorder (IAD) as psychological disorders is still debated in the medical community. IAD has often been compared to impulse control disorder or substance use disorder which all share high levels of impulsivity. The resolution of its cardinal neurocognitive deficit helps to identify those at risk and develop targeted therapies. The present study aimed to investigate the neurocognitive deficit relating to IAD by using Eriksen flanker task triggered event-related potentials (ERP) and frontal test battery (FAB). This study recruited 16 IAD and 18 mentally and physically healthy participants with mean age of 27 and mean education level of 15. All the participants performed FAB and Eriksen flanker triggered ERP. The error rate, reaction rate, and amplitude and latency of ERPs were analyzed. IAD’s behavioral scores in FAB and flanker task were no different from controls. In comparison to the control, IADs showed reduced frontal error- related negativity (ERN) amplitudes; augmented frontal error-related positivity (Pe) amplitude and a trend toward significantly prolonged Pe latency in error responses. Also, IADs have increased N2 central-frontal amplitude and delayed N2 latency in error responses relative to controls. Moreover, IADs have consistent P300 frontal amplitude reduction and delayed P300 latency in correct responses, error response, congruent stimuli and incongruent stimuli. The present study indicated that IAD partly parallels error processing and response inhibition in substance use disorder regarding impulsivity measured on electrophysiological and behavioral level. Yet concrete conclusions cannot be drawn from the present study on causality. But, poor skill in error processing, working memory, error awareness and inhibition of inappropriate responses underlie patterns observed in certain IAD individuals. IADs might be less sensitive to the negative consequences relating to Internet but still continue their demeanor even in the face of detrimental consequences to their interpersonal relationships, lives, works, school and health.


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