  • 學位論文


Periodontal prothesis and implant---cases and discussion

指導教授 : 洪純正


牙周補綴的定義就是〝在治療牙周疾病時所必要的復形與補綴治療〞;雖然它特別指的是被牙周病多方破壞牙齒的治療,但治療的觀念原理和計畫適用於一般正常牙齒的復形與補綴。長久以來,牙周病是民眾口腔健康的重大威脅,在牙周病完整治療過程中,首先要利用各種方法來控制牙周病炎症,去除致病原,不論是非手術性或手術性治療,切除性或再生性的治療。而後輔以適當的補綴重建治療以恢復患者美觀,和咀嚼功能。而且,牙周補綴不單是簡單區分為牙周與補綴治療,而是跨越多科的全方位治療,必要時需輔以根管治療,咬合治療等。 本研究報告提出10個牙周補綴治療的完整病例報告,其中包括各種組合配套。病例內容從完整的牙周治療到各種牙周補綴齒列重建,補綴物包括固定義齒,可撤性活動義齒(鉤式活動義齒,冠外式附連體)覆蓋式義齒,雙層套冠及人工植牙,這些補綴物是依牙周情況,缺牙部位,缺牙數量及病患經濟能力與實際需求作為考量而製作的,其目的是為了達到舒適美觀與耐用。至於這些補綴物是否可以維持長久健康與功能,需要進一步追蹤觀察,為了達到此目的,定期回診檢查與患者口腔衛生的維護是必須徹底實行,如此才能確保牙周補綴長期良好的預後。


Periodontal prosthesis is defined as “restorative and prosthetic treatment that is necessary in the treatment of periodontal disease.”Although it specifically refer to treatment of dentition that has been devastated by periodontitis, but the underlying principle and treatment planning is suitable for the restoration of normal dentition as well. Periodontal disease has long been a major threat to the oral health of public. In a comprehensive periodontal treatment, the first priority is to control periodontal inflammation by removing etiology, via surgical, reductive or regenerative treatment, followed by appropriate restorative and/or prosthetic treatment to restore the patients esthetic and occlusal function. The discipline of periodontal prosthesis is not simply classified as periodontal treatment and prosthetic treatment; it`s comprehensive multidiscipline management that may endodontic and orthodontic treatment as needed. There are ten comprehensive periodontal prothesis cases in this dissertation. The case reports are derived from comprehensive periodontal treatment and periodontal prosthesis utilized in rebuilding of occlusion. Appliances that periodontal prosthesis can utilize include fix prosthetics removable prosthetics (clasp design or precision attachment), overdenture, telescopic crowns and implants. Consideration for these treatment are based on periodontal condition, location of the lost dentition, amount of lost dentition, patient`s financial and practical needs. The goal of dentition prosthesis is to achieve a level of comfort, esthetic, and longevity of dentition that the patient can accept. Although all prothesis function well ,the further follow-up and studies are necessary for the long-term results.In order to achieve this purpose,patients should be educated to recognize the importance of regular checkup and maintenance of the oral hygiene, to ensure a good prognosis of periodontal prosthesis.


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