  • 學位論文


Effects of ingesting Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt in subjects with colonized Helicobacter pylori

指導教授 : 王文明


研究動機:近年來發現將益生菌 (probiotic) 添加入食品中,特別是在優酪乳或發酵乳中,對人類健康可產生正面的影響.現今有許多的科學研究的證據指出某些菌種在人體胃腸道的疾病上,有特定的療效. 研究目的:評估含有 Lactobacillus. Acidophilus (La5) 與 Bifidobacterium lactis (Bb12)益生菌之優酪乳, 對於台灣地區之成人感染幽門螺旋桿菌者之療效. 研究方法、流程:體外實驗(1): 我們從8位病人的胃黏膜切片分離出幽門螺旋桿菌後, 均勻接種在綿羊血的培養基上, 同時將沾有稀釋後的Bb12或La5活菌培養液之盤狀濾紙片貼附其上, 再測量紙片周圍抑制環的直徑. 體外實驗(2): 我們將Bactoagar與Brucella broth加入Fetal calf serum混合均勻, 分別倒入事先已含有不同濃度之La5, Bb12菌液,含La5之yogurt或含La5 plus Bb12之yogurt的培養皿中. 最後將從3位病人分離出來的幽門螺旋桿菌塗抹於培養基上,兩天後再觀察其菌落生長情形. 人體實驗: 59名受試者給予含有 Bb12 和 La5優酪乳, 對照組11名則飲用脫脂鮮乳, 每日兩瓶, 連續治療六週, 並在使用第四週與八週時, 分別作碳-13尿素呼氣法檢測. 此外, 任意選取其中14名受測者, 於實驗一開始與治療結束後四週時, 接受胃內視鏡檢查, 並於胃體及胃竇部 (小彎及大彎) 各取兩片共為四片送病理組織以確定幽門螺旋桿菌存在情況及其病理變化. 研究結果:含有益生菌之優酪乳可以抑制無症狀自願者之胃內幽門螺旋桿菌感染, 減輕胃內黏膜發炎情況, 要達到殺菌的效果, 需考慮使用之劑量及時間, 仍待進一步之研究。


Background: There is evidence that ingestion of lactic acid bacteria exerts a suppressive effect on Helicobacter pylori infection in both animals and humans. Supplementation with Lactobacillus-and Bifidobacterium- containing yogurt (AB-yogurt) has been shown to improve the eradication rates of H. pylori in humans. Objective: We administered AB-yogurt to asymptomatic H. pylori-infected subjects to test whether it could inhibit H. pylori growth. Design: The in vitro growth inhibition of H. pylori was determined by inoculation of Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 or Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 on plates which had previously been inoculated with H. pylori. Assessment of the viability of H. pylori was performed by the mixed culture method with La5 or Bb12. In an intervention study, 59 adult volunteers infected by H. pylori were given AB-yogurt (107 colony-forming units of both La5 and Bb12/ml) twice daily after a meal for 6 wks. Eleven H. pylori-positive subjects were treated with milk placebo as controls. H. pylori bacterial loads were determined using the 13C-urea breath test, which was performed prior to, and on weeks 4 and 8 after, the start of AB-yogurt supplementation. Results: Bb12 exerted an in vitro inhibitory effect against H. pylori, whereas La5 did not show an effect. Administration of AB-yogurt decreased the urease activity of H. pylori after 6 wks of therapy (P<0.0001). Conclusions: Regular intake of yogurt containing Bb12 and La5 effectively suppressed H. pylori infection in humans.


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