  • 學位論文


A Correlational Study of the Awareness of Assistance Tools and Willingness to Reenter the Job Market in Physically and Mentally Disabled in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 邱亨嘉


研究目的 由於身心障礙者的就業具有建立自信、防止退化、提高生活品質、減少社會負擔等多重意義與功能,因此,需要政府結合勞雇雙方及民間相關機構、團體共同努力,並配合殘障福利政策,推動身心障礙者職業訓練,期能對身心障礙者訓練與就業有所增進。本研究的目的首先為了解屏東縣身心障礙者之狀況並進一步探討其對輔具補助的認知與重回職場之意願並瞭解肢體障礙者等級的分佈情形及探討肢體障礙者對輔具補助的認知與重回職場意願之影響因素。 研究方法 本研究資料對象以屏東縣93年第4季肢體障礙者新申請者1,248例為研究個案,研究對象在各鄉鎮公所申請身心障礙鑑定時,由負責承辦業務之鄉鎮公所人員,交由申請者填寫問卷,問卷為結構式設計,主要內容包括人口學之資料、申請殘障別、鑑定等級及對輔具補助的認知與重回職場意願作統計分析,包括描述性及推論性統計分析。 A.描述性統計: B.推論性統計:卡方檢定(Chi-Square test) 及對數回歸模式(Binomial Logistic Regression) 研究結果 (1) 身心障礙者認知政府提供輔具補助者有776人(62%),未有認知者有472人(38%),經由回歸統計分析,教育程度上,小學、國中及高中職以上者對於輔具提供訊息的認知分別為不識字的1.70倍、1.22倍及1.58倍。 年齡在18~59歲及60歲以上對於輔具提供訊息的認知分別是17歲以下的0.58倍及0.69倍,婚姻狀況上,未婚及其他者對於輔具提供訊息的認知是已婚的1.16倍及1.52倍。 (2) 身心障礙者藉由適用輔具,重返職場意願者340人(27%),不願意者908人(73%),經由回歸統計分析,發現年齡在18~59歲及60歲以上者對於藉由輔具重返職場的意願分別為17歲以下的0.75倍及0.09倍,教育程度上,小學、國中及高中職以上者對於藉由輔具返回職場的意願分別為不識字者的1.32倍、2.45倍及2.65倍,障礙類別為精神障礙、智障、感官障礙及其他障礙者對於藉由輔具返回職場的意願分別為肢體障礙者的0.48倍、0.47倍及0.73倍。 討論與建議 屏東縣身心障礙者人數與台閩地區身心障礙者人數比較,93年6月底較92年底明顯增加11.91%,為所有縣市中增加最多。身心障礙者對輔具補助的認知如何提高,政府應有具體作為,以及不願意重回職場的身心障礙者,更應有一套辦法重點輔導,使得藉由輔具補助重回職場。對於那些教育程度較高,願意重回職場的身心障礙者,更要鼓勵他們,政府應有積極作為,使得他們早點回職場,對社會國家有所貢獻。


Objective As employment of the physically and mentally challenged has multiple significances, namely that it builds up self-confidence, prevents retrogression, improves quality of life, and diminishes the social burden, the government, in accordance with disability welfare policies, should encourage employers and employees as well as relevant private organizations to combine efforts and promote occupational training for the physically and mentally disadvantaged. The objective of this study is to gain an understanding of the physically and mentally challenged and their awareness of assistance tools and situation upon reentering the job market. This study also aims to learn about the distribution of the degree of physical disability and relevant characteristics, and probe into the factors that influence disableds’ awareness of assistance tools and their willingness to reenter the job market. Method Subjects of this study consisted of 1,248 physically and mentally disabled who applied for disability evaluation at the various district offices of Pingtung County during the fourth quarter of 2004. During their application, the staff member of the district office in charge of the application helped them fill out a questionnaire that included demographic data, type of disability and assessed degree of disability. Subjects’ awareness of assistance tools and their willingness to reenter the job market were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results With regard to whether subjects were aware of the government providing assistance tools, a statistically significant difference was found between subjects of different educational level. With regard to whether subjects were willing to reenter the job market through the use of assistance tools, a statistically significant difference was found between subjects of different gender, age, marital status, educational level and occupation. A statistically significant difference was found for the severity of the physical disability between subjects of different gender and age. With regard to whether subjects were aware of the government providing assistance tools, a statistically significant difference was found between subjects of different levels of physical disability. Age, marital status and educational level were all factors that influenced subjects’ awareness of the government providing assistance tools. Age, educational level and type of disability were all factors that influenced the willingness of subjects to reenter the job market through the use of assistance tools. Discussion and Suggestions It is understandable that physically and mentally disabled, due to a lack of assistance tools, are not interested in reentering the job market. However, other problems are also well worth studying, such as the lack of special technologies and job security, and different treatment of disabled. To date, the government has failed to come up with a concrete method to assist and help this group of disadvantaged people, so that although many of them are still in the prime of their lives, they are unable to reenter the job market due to their physical or mental disability. It is therefore of great importance that the relevant authorities study this problem and come up with a method of improvement.


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2、 紀佳芬(1998) 『職務在設計的流程與檢核表』,身心障礙者職業重建與輔具研討會,民國87年12月26-28日,台北世貿中心
3、 紀佳芬、陳進隆 (1994)「配合中高齡勞工的身心功能進行職業再設計與工作環境改善」,1995年人因工程與職業安全衛生國際研討會,29-34頁。
4、 紀佳芬(1998)『研訂身心障礙者職務再設計工作手冊』,勞委會職訓局結案報告。
5、 紀佳芬指導的大學部專題報告『殘障者社區化就業輔導個案分析』(獲選,台灣科大「八十五年度大學部最佳實務專題獎」。
