  • 學位論文

牙周補綴全口重建之病例報告 - 以重度牙周破壞伴隨咬合傷害採用雙重套冠贋復系統為代表

Case Report - Full Mouth Reconstruction with Perio-Prostho Concept---- Using Konus Telescopic Crown System in Treating Severe Periodontal Destruction Companied Occlusal Trauma Patient

指導教授 : 王兆祥


患有牙周病的病患,常常會因為缺牙而面臨需要贋復的問題。但這一類患者,因為經過牙周的破壞,牙齒狀況通常都不是那麼理想,常有一些臨床併發症,包括:進行性的牙齒動搖與移位,後方咬合塌陷併有垂直咬合空間喪失,不良牙冠-牙根長比例,缺牙或牙齒排位不佳,不良或醫源性補綴物引起牙周及咬合病變,缺乏穩定咬合 ……等問題。 本文提出九例病例報告,患者從牙齦炎至重度牙周炎都有。經過治療前詳細的資料蒐集、評估,以及模型分析、診斷蠟形製作與模擬,並給予臨時性補綴物,透過牙周治療與補綴物治療互相配合的方式,觀察牙周狀況的改善以及補綴物的穩定度。經由這樣的治療方式,觀察並再評估,然後才給予最終補綴物的製作及完成。不過治療完成後,長期的成功率仍必須配合患者良好的口腔清潔及定期的回診。


The patient who have suffered periodontitis usually combine tooth loss, and must face the problem of prostheses restored. But the type of patient that have periodontal destruction, tooth condition usually not ideal. They usually combine some complications, such as progressive tooh mobility and migration, posterior bite collapse combine vertical dimension loss, poor crown to root ratio, tooth loss, tooth position is not good, poor prostheses induced periodontal and traumatic diseases, loss of occlusal stability…………….etc. In this thesis, we include 9 cases with gingivitis to advanced periodontitis. After data collection, full mouth evaluation, model analysis, diagnostic wax up fabrication before treatment, and then give the placement of temporary prostheses. After the combination of periodontic and prostheses treatment, we can follow the improvement of periodontal condition and the stability of prostheses. After these treatment procedures, follow and re-evaluation, then we can give the final prostheses fabrication. But after the treatment, if we want to have long term success rate, it must have good cooperation from patient to keep good oral hygiene and visit recall every 3 to 6 months.


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