  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Safety and Health Educations and Safety Cognition and Attitude among College Students

指導教授 : 呂志維


不安全的動作往往導致意外事故發生的間接原因,根據行政院勞工委員會統計處近幾年統計資料指出,91-93年發生職業傷害的比率雖有下降的趨勢,但是就個別項目中,受傷人數仍有幾項無法有效的下降。事故的發生,通常來自於使用者對操作物件的不熟悉、作業態度的不安全或沒有足夠的認知等,而不安全的動作往往是因不正確的安全教育或缺乏安全訓練所造成,故改善因不安全動作所造成之意外事故,就必須先由安全教育著手。 本研究目的為以問卷調查探討目前大專院校安全衛生通識課程的教學現況及藉由推廣安全衛生通識課程之實施方式對於大專院校學生的成效,並探討大專院校學生目前對於安全衛生及安全衛生態度的認知程度。以南部10間大專院校參與安全衛生通識課程353名學生為本實驗組,另抽取同校其他通識課程366名學生為對照組,研究工具使用自編之「大專院校安全衛生態度評量表」於學期初及期末發放,實驗組接受為期一學期的教學介入,對照組則不介入課程教學。經前後測得知實驗組以「態度」、「安全衛生知識」及「行為安全」達到顯著上的差異,而對照組於各項態度向度及知識方面皆無達到顯著上的差異。經過一學期的通識教育課程後,學生對於安全衛生方面的態度及安全衛生認知均有進步,因此若能長期推廣安全衛生課程應有助學生提高安全衛生態度、知識,改善並降低意外事故之發生率。


Unsafe actions are frequently indirect causes of occurrence of accidents. According to Department of Statistics, Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan, Bulletin of Labor Statistics Publications in recent years indicates that the rate of occurrence of occupational injury during 2002 to 2004 had a tendency to diminish, but still the population of injury patients had ineffectively decreased in certain of individual item.Occurrence of accidents normally derives from users’ lack of familiarity with operational objects, working attitudes toward unsafety or adequate cognition and so forth. However, incorrect safety educations or the lack of safety training often contribute to unsafe actions, and therefore improvements in occurrence of accidents thanks to unsafe actions should undertake safety educations in advance. The objective of this study is with questionnaires survey to probe for current condition of teaching in the Course of General Education of Safety and Health, to evaluate the effect of popularizing methods of implementing the courses on college students in the south of Taiwan, and to search into the cognitive degree of safety and health and attitudes toward safety and health. The data are collected by self-developed questionnaires survey, Evaluation Form of University and College Students’ Safety Cognition and Attitude, separately adopted in the beginning and at the end of a semester from 719 students among 10 universities or colleges in the south of Taiwan, including 353 students receiving the General Education of Safety and Health as an intervention group as well as 366 students receiving other the General Education of Safety and Health as a comparison group in the same schools. Pretest-posttest results show that the intervention group has obvious variations in attitude, knowledge of safety and health and behavioral safety whereas the comparison group does not in each aspect of attitude and knowledge. After the Safety and Health Courses of General Education for one semester, students have obvious improvements in their attitudes and knowledge of safety and health. Thus, if such courses can be popularized over a long period of time, they will increase students’ attitudes and knowledge of safety and health and decrease the rate of occurrence of accidents.


王文中 (1999),教育測驗與評量,台北:五南書局。
