  • 學位論文


Exploring the Costs-Benefits of Rehabilitation Bus Transportation Service: Insights for Provision of Elderly Care Support Service

指導教授 : 蕭世芬


背景:台灣已邁入高齡社會。由於老人人口數逐年增加,政府早已注意到老人行動及交通接送市場的需求性。政府雖已投入大量資源增購復康巴士,以及民間企業投入無障礙計程車的營運來提供老人與障礙者行動服務的運輸需求,但無障礙交通服務需求現況以及其成本效益如何,尚待檢視。 研究目的:為解決身障者與失能老人交通接送與行動服務的困境,本研究欲瞭解目前台灣使用傳統復康巴士接送之需求與現況,以分析現行所使用之小型復康巴士的成本效益分析與可行性,作為提供導入交通接送服務以促進老人生活支援之政策參考依據。 研究方法:本研究以現行四種復康巴士車款做成本效益分析,包括單一輛車的採購成本、五年平均投資報酬率、損益平衡點,以及回收期,進而比較具有最高投資報酬率和最短投資回收期之能維持營運、有盈餘的復康巴士。同時,估算四種復康巴士車款在年度改善供需情形,進而比較出何種選項可能改善復康巴士供不應求問題的成效。 結果:在比較台灣現有使用的復康巴士-三菱Delika、福特Tourneo Custom、福斯Kombi 2.0和福斯Caravell等四種車款來進行評比,評比的指標包括投資報酬率、損益平衡點及回收期,皆不如預期理想。 結論:以目前所使用之四款車型均難見到適當之投資報酬率以吸引業者繼續投入長照市場。未來建議尋求安全性佳之國產車款以作為小型復康巴士之用。若能滿足購置成本低、改裝費用低、稅金保費輕、開車油耗省等要求,即能提高投資報酬率、降低回本門檻,並可促進政府及民間企業持續投入長照市場之交通接送服務,減少社會負擔。


Background: Taiwan has entered the aged society. The number of elderly people in Taiwan has increased year by year, and the government has addressed the demand of the elderly transport market. The government has invested a lot of resources in purchasing the rehabilitative buses, also the private enterprises start providing the wheelchair accessible taxies. However, whether these services have met the needs of those elderly people and people with disabilities with the demand for accessible transportation or not, is yet to be examined. Aims: To solve the problem of transportation for elderly or people with disabilities, this study is aimed to understand current amount and utilization of rehabilitative bus services in Taiwan, and analyze the cost-effect and benefits of the services, to provide evidence for future policy making in provision of rehabilitative bus services Methods: The study performed Cost-Benefit Analysis for four current types of vehicles used for rehabilitative bus services, including purchasing cost, 5-year averaged return on investment (ROI), profit and loss on investments, and payback time. Then to find the type of vehicles with highest ROI and shortest payback time in order to provide the services with profits. The annual supply and demand of rehabilitative buses was also analyzed to find the solution for meeting the demand. Results: In comparison, the four rehabilitative bus currently used in Taiwan-Mitsubishi Delika, Ford Tourneo Custom, Foss Kombi 2.0 and Foss Caravell, were evaluated for the ROI, break-even point (BEP) and payback period. All of the vehicles were found unable to reach a good ROI or short payback period. Conclusion: The current vehicles used in rehabilitative bus services showed poor ROI to attract more investment into this long-term care market. In the future, it is suggested to explore the possibility of finding a high safety domestic car for mini-rehabilitative bus services. It will need to satisfy the requirement of low purchase cost, low conversion costs, light insurance and tax premiums, low driving fuel consumption, etc., to improve the ROI and lower the hurdle of payback. This will facilitate continuous investments from the public and private sectors into the transportation services in the long-term care market and decrease the burden to the community.


3.鍾寧(2017),我老年人口 首度超過小孩!工商時報網址:https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20170310000049-260202。
