  • 學位論文


Sissy Gays' Social Conditions in Heterosexual Society and Identity-formations in hegemonic masculinity

指導教授 : 張滿玲
共同指導教授 : 林津如


研究目的: 想藉由研究男同志來了解同志圈中,對於陽剛與陰柔特質的看法。更進一步探究娘同志在同志圈中或其他生活圈中所受到的壓迫與迫害,並且探究娘認同在異性戀霸權與霸權式陽剛雙重霸權下的樣貌,進而對娘同志有更多的了解。 研究方法: 本研究採用深度訪談,要求受訪者以回憶的方式,自述自己的成長經歷與心路歷程,並從訪談紀錄(錄音資料)中,並以(1)「同志本身對於生存在異性戀霸權下,同志身份的展現」;(2)「同志對於陰柔特質的想法與展現」;以及(3)「展現陰柔特質的同志與展現陽剛特質的同志之間的差異」等三個問題為訪談主軸。 每位訪談者都有兩個小時左右的訪談時間,研究者將訪談內容撰寫成逐字稿,並從中分析訪談者的談話內容,並探究不同身分特質(同志身份、娘娘腔特質)在不同生活圈中(學校、家庭、職場、同志圈中)的展現。 研究結果: 研究者發現不同受訪者在各自的生活圈中會相似的展現方式:在職場之中,受訪者一致表現出異性戀、陽剛的面貌,即使在同一職場工作甚久,也不會輕易顯露出同性戀的樣貌。在學校之中,受訪者則呈現試探的狀態,他們會去試探同學對於同志的接受程度,並適時的顯露出自己的同志身份和娘娘腔特質,有些得到正向經驗的受訪者,則會釋放更多訊息,相對的得到負向經驗的人,則會選擇不再提及這一類的話題。在家庭之中,則有兩派不同的做法,有一派認為同志身份和娘娘腔特質是可以讓家庭成員知道,因此對此類行為不會有過多的壓抑,另一派則是盡量不讓家庭成員知道,所以在家庭之中他們會盡量去掩飾自己的娘娘腔行為和同志身份。在同志圈中,所有的受訪者皆表示該生活圈是最舒適自在的,主要是可以擺脫異性戀霸權的干涉,不用再用虛假的面貌去面對周圍的人,但是另一個霸權—霸權式陽剛,卻在這裡展現出它的影響力。


Purposive: In order to understand points of view of masculinity and femininity, researcher study gays in Taiwan. Further more, to study sissy gays’ stresses in gay community or other situation. Exploring sissy gays’ social conditions in heterosexual society and identity-formations in hegemonic masculinity. Method: This study uses depth interview to grab interviewers’ thoughts by retrace their life experience. When interviewees recall their stories, researcher will record their words by recorder. Researcher would ask three main questions: (1) gays’ social conditions in heterosexual society; (2) what are gays’ viewpoints of femininity and what are their displays; (3) the difference between sissy gays and masculine gays. Researcher would spend 2 hours to interview every interviewer. And transfer voice information into word information. Analyzing their words and trying to find different displays in different conditions(school, family, working place, and gay community) by two identities(gay status, and sissy status). Result and Discussion: Researcher finds that different interviewers reveal similar life styles: at working place, all interviewees present the image of heterosexual men. They try hard to keep distant with gay issue. When they were in school, they would try to make their friends aware of their gay status and/or sissy status. Some of them got positive feedbacks would reveal more information about their gayness. Some receive negative ones would stop talking about that. In family, there are two kinds of group: one would make family members know about their gay and sissy status; another would keep it a secret. In gay community, all of them show an ease and comfortable attitude. Away from heterosexuality, they needn’t treat others with phony. Hegemonic masculinity, in stead of, affects gays’ life in gay community.


Gay sissy heterosexuality hegemonic masculinity


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莊育碩(2016)。「肌」不可失? - 男同志身體及情慾之初探〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1005201615102923
