  • 學位論文


Nutrition and Molecular Epidemiology of Metabolic Syndrome

指導教授 : 胡淑惠


由於國人飲食型態的改變,慢性疾病的盛行率日趨增加;本研究目的在於探討飲食及基因對於代謝症候群( Metabolic Syndrome)的發生率之影響,以飲食問卷評估醫院、學校、及社區之門診、健檢及減重班的疾病組(代謝症候群)及健康對照組民眾之間飲食習慣與代謝症候群之相關性。採用病例對照研究法(case-control study),我們藉由半定量的食物頻率及開放式問卷了解病患的飲食型態,並分析adiponectin及apolipoprotein E 與醣類及脂肪代謝相關的基因之基因多型性。結果發現,在茶的飲用杯數及海鮮的攝取頻率,與代謝症候群具有相關性( P <0.05)。藉由本研究的完成將可以了解此疾病發生的機轉 並且可以從預防代謝症候群的發生為起點而促進健康,未來將研究結果運用在營養教育上以減少此疾病的發生。


The high-fat and high –carbohydrate western diet have swept our modern society. The epidemic chronic disease is increased at the meantime. This study aimed to investigate diet and gene the incidence of metabolic syndrome. Assesses the clinic of the hospital, school, and community, is strong in examining and reducing the disease group (Metabolic Syndrome) of the serious class with the diet questionnaire And eating habit and relevance of group of supersession disease between the people of control group of health. We designed a case-control study as one-one or one-two pair control study project. We used semi-quantitative diet frequency and half-opened questionnaires to analyze their diet habit and style. We also study the genetic polymorpholism relationship of the adiponectin and apolipoprotein E with the glucose and lipid metabolism. It was found that tea drinking cups and seafood consumption frequency, and the metabolic syndrome correlated (P <0.05). Depend on our study, we will understand the mechanism of metabolic syndrome. Hoping to find out some causes and risk factors to prevent this disease spreading. At last we can use our health education program to control the metabolic syndrome happened and decrease chronic disease epidemic eventually.


Metabolic syndrome Diet Polymorphism Risk factor


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