  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Auricular Acupressure for Pain Reliving in Trauma Patients during Emergency medication

指導教授 : 陳季員


研究目的:急診創傷患者送入急診最主要多為意外導致,在患者剛到院就醫時,最需要的處置也是疼痛處理。本研究旨在探討耳穴貼壓對急性創傷患者疼痛改善之成效。 研究方法:採實驗性研究設計,以隨機分配之方式,於104年05月08日至28日以南部某區域醫院之急診室進行資料收集,共收案62位,隨機分配至實驗組及對照組,實驗組於真穴位、對照組於假穴位,兩組皆以耳珠貼壓30分鐘,評估其疼痛、焦慮分數及心跳、血壓等數值變化。 研究結果:急性創傷患者於實驗組中接受耳穴貼壓後(1)疼痛程度下降較對照組達顯著差異(2)焦慮程度下降較對照組達顯著差異,(3)心跳改善達顯著差異。 結論:急性創傷患者運用耳穴貼壓對於疼痛和焦慮程度的改善具顯著效果,因此若能於現有之臨床照護中增加耳穴貼壓按摩措施,經由學習後的臨床護理人員執行,能減少疼痛控制藥物的使用量及因止痛藥物產生之副作用,且可改善病人的焦慮程度,讓病人能有更好的照護品質。


急性創傷 疼痛 焦慮 耳穴貼壓


Purposes: the primary cause of the paitent with trauma who transfered to the emergency department was accident, the primary treatment was pain reliving at the arriving. the purpose of this study was to investigate the improvement of auricular acupressure at acupoints on pain and anxiety in patients with acute trauma . Methods: There was an experiment control and randomized study design , sample were selected from May 08, 2015 to May 28, 2015 in the emergency department of a regional hospital in southern Taiwan Chamber revealed. 62 patients with acute trauma who were randomly assigned subjects have been between the experimental and the control group. The experimental group used of the real auricular points and the control group used the sham auricular point, both groups were accepted auricular acupressure for 30 minutes, the effects were evaluatedly the pain , anxiety scores, the heart rate and blood pressure variation. Results: The study found(1) that there were significant higher decreased VAS-pain and VAS-anxiety scores in the experiment group than in the control group at auricular acupressure therapy,(2) There were significant improvement with heart rate in the experiment group than the control group at auricular acupressure. Conclusion: To apply the auricular acupressure for pain reliving has a significant effect in patients with acute trauma, so if we can administrate the auricular acupressure with pressing massage in clinical care of acute trauma patients, and proceeding through the clinical nurses after the implementation of the learning, can reduce pain and the side effects of pain control by using drug , besides it’s can also improve the anxiety degree and heat rate of the acute trauma patients, increasing the quality of care.


acute trauma pain anxiety auricular acupressure


Robinson, N., Lorenc, A., & Liao, X. (2011). The evidence for shiatsu: A systematic review of shiatsu and acupressure. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11, 88. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6882-11-88.
行政院衛生署(2011年7月15日)。國人99年度十大死因。取自http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/DM/DM2 asp?now_fod_list_no=11897&class_no=440&level_no=3
