  • 學位論文


Investigation the Protective Effects of Differently Pretreated Deep Sea Water on High Cholesterol-Fed Mice

指導教授 : 黃志揚


海洋深層水意指海平面以下200公尺的海水,台灣具有獨特的地理位置來採用海洋深層水,因為在台灣東岸50公里處,海水的深度就已達4公里。許多生技公司宣稱,海洋深層水(deep sea water , DSW)可以保護心臟及促進免疫能力。然而,查詢相關的文獻,發現甚少有文章探討,海洋深層水保護我們的心血管系統的機轉。而本研究的目的即為了進一步評估不同處理的海洋深層水對高膽固醇引起的心肌凋亡的影響及機轉。本實驗採用24隻七週齡ICR雄性小鼠以隨機分成四組,所有組別的小鼠皆餵以1%高膽固醇飲食,再分別餵以蒸餾水(normal distilled water , NDW)、逆滲透處理之海洋深層水(Reverse osmosis deep sea water , RO-DSW)、電透析處理之海洋深層水(Electrodialysis Reversal deep sea water, ER-DSW)、10%稀釋之海洋深層水(10% DSW+90% ddH2O , 10%DSW),為期共八周。緊接著將左心室游離,以組織染色切片,西方墨點法,及TUNEL分析。結果顯示,各種處理之海洋深層水均具有降低1%高膽固醇引起之心肌肥大,BNP上升及TNF-alpha,同時抑制了death-receptor pathway(Fas Ligan,Fas,FADD,caspase 8,及t-bid)蛋白,並降低bak、bax(促凋亡蛋白),壓制活化態caspase 9及caspase 3的表現。更進一步促進了survival路徑相關蛋白,如IGF1 receptor,pAkt及Bcl-2(抑凋亡蛋白)的表現。結果顯示,RO-DSW比ER-DSW及10% DSW組的抑制凋亡及促survival效果差。以上實驗提供了飲用海洋深層水的利多,並比較出不同處理方法對心肌保護的差異。所以我們可藉由飲用ER及10%稀釋之海洋深層水,來作為預防或是治療改善高膽固醇飲食造成之心臟異常的發生。


海洋深層水 凋亡 膽固醇 電透析


Deep sea water refers to water 200m under the sea surface. Taiwan have a special geographical location for using deep sea water, because it is 50km off Taiwan's east coast, the seabed drops to a depth of 4km.Many companies in Taiwan said that deep sea water can protect our heart and improve the immune system. However, we have searched the related papers, there is still few study to investigate the mechanisms of the deep sea water protect our cardiovascular system.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of differently pretreated DSW on suppressing the high cholesterol-induced cardiac apoptosis. Twenty-four ICR mice at 7 weeks of age were randomly divided into four groups, all groups of mice were fed 1% high cholesterol, and treated as pure water (control),reverse osmosis DSW (RO-DSW), and electrodialysis reversal DSW(ER-DSW),and 10% diluted DSW groups for 8 weeks. The excised left ventricle from mice were measured by histological analysis, western blotting , and TUNEL assays. High cholesterol-induced cardiac abnormalities including hypertrophy,abnormal myocardial architecture, more cardiac TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells and slightly fibrosis. All treatments decreased high cholesterol-induced BNP hypertrophic marker, tumor necrosis factor death receptors,Fas-dependent apoptotic proteins,caspase 8 , t-bid , Bak , Bax , activated caspase 9 and activated caspase 3, but increased IGF1 receptor, pAkt,and anti-apoptotic protein(Bcl-2). However , RO-DSW group showed less anti-apoptotic effects than ER-DSW and 10% DSW groups.Therefore,ER-DSW and 10% DSW highly activated the cardiac IGF-1 survival pathway and suppressed high cholesterol-induced cardiac death receptor-dependent and mitochondria-dependent apoptotic pathway activities.The findings may provide a possible approach by drinking for potentially treating deep sea water to prevent cardiac abnormalities.


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