  • 學位論文


Film Score Studies on Chen Ming-Chang’s Works:With Examples of Dust in the Wind, The Puppetmaster, March of Happiness and Ripples of Desire.

指導教授 : 顏綠芬


自日治時期以來,台灣電影的發展至今已有一百多年的歷史。與國外電影發展的交互影響,歷經不斷的創新,配樂在電影中的功能越來越被重視,它能從物理面、心理面、技術面給予影片輔助,強化影像所欲傳達的意念。 陳明章是國內流行音樂界盛名的音樂人,擅長吉他、月琴,並能寫詞、作歌、配樂。近年來,陳明章致力於傳統音樂的推廣,並試圖從傳統音樂中找尋新的聲響,運用於音樂創作當中。 陳明章的電影配樂作品在國內外影展中屢獲佳績,包括《戀戀風塵》(獲1987年法國南特影展最佳音樂獎)、《戲夢人生》(獲1993年比利時法蘭德斯影展最佳配樂)、《幻之光》(獲1996年日本每日電影獎最佳配樂獎)、《天馬茶坊》(獲1999年亞太影展、金馬獎最佳電影配樂)、《花漾》(獲2013年第24屆傳藝金曲獎獲「最佳跨界專輯」)等。 本論文以上述電影中陳明章的原創配樂為主要研究對象,先闡述西方(以美國為主)及台灣的電影配樂發展概況、整理歸納電影配樂的類型及功能、介紹陳明章的生平及音樂特色,再透過採譜,分析四部電影中配樂與影像的關係、各段配樂的配器使用、音樂特色及在電影中的功能性,進一步探討陳明章的電影配樂特色。


Originating in Taiwan’s Japanese colonial period, Taiwanese film is more than a century old. Inspirations from and interactions with foreign film has propelled the constant innovation of its film scores. One such innovator, Chen Ming-Chang, is well known for his accomplished, multi-faceted career. In recent years, Chen has been committed to the promotion of traditional music and attempts to find a new sound from traditional music. To further examine and evaluate Chen’s artistic styles and influence, the present thesis explicates Chen Ming-Chang’s film scores as case studies. Working from the histories of film score in the Western countries (Mainly the United States) and Taiwan, Chen’s biography and music styles, and transcriptions of the original film scores, the present thesis is structured as two sections: The first three chapters outline major film score trends, focusing on where and how Taiwanese film scores draw influence from Western traditions. Methodological issues are addressed. The later chapters summarize Chen’s creative career and distinctive musical style, with special emphasis on his “theory of dual-tone chords and string-adjusting guitar,” ending with musicological analyses of four of Chen’s film scores, those of Dust in the Wind (winner of the Best Music award at the 1987 Festival des 3 Continents), The Puppetmaster (named Best Soundtrack at the 1993 Flanders International Film Festival), March of Happiness (Best Soundtrack, 1999 Asia Pacific Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival) and Ripples of Desire the soundtrack to which was named Best Crossover Album in the 2013 24th Golden Melody Awards, Traditional and Art Music Section). By use of these particular case studies, this thesis seeks to interpret the general functionality of Chen’s film scores as crucial and complementary to their visual counterparts.


Prendergast, Roy M. Film Music: A Neglected Art, 1sted. New York: W. W. Norton&Co., 1977.
Prendergast, Roy M. Film Music: A Neglected Art, 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton&Co., 1992.
伍怡亭,《以柯普蘭的電影音樂作品The Heiress論電影音樂的敘事功能》。國立臺灣師範大學音樂研究所碩士學位論文,2000。
