  • 學位論文


Flaneur of Image – Adagio in Vertigo

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


本論述主要由《星兒、新兒》這部紀錄片出發,透過影像來表達個人的感受, 以期能與觀者產生共鳴,並希望透過對於影像意義的了解,進一步將自我的影像作品 加以分析與歸納,使觀者能更為明白個人創作的本質,同時讓觀者能更貼近影像創 作,並非將影像藝術視為一種神聖難以觸及的領域。 第一章「漫遊者」,主要是述說個人創作的狀態,對自我的創作脈絡與形式做一 探討。 第二章「凝視與權力」則是在談影像的權力關係。我思考著,在呈現一個感人 故事之後,還有什麼是可以改變觀看者與被觀看者權力位置的做法,以影像作為工 具,使觀者能有所省思。 第三章「狂妄的自由與偏執」中針對被攝者的心理及生理狀態做探討。 第四章「星兒.新兒」試圖以詮釋者的角度,期待喚起社會大眾瞭解這群「星星 的孩子」,讓他們以特有的人際互動、環境互動與行為模式,去創造他們的生命價值!


This thesis starts with the documentary film “Star Children, New Children”. The filmmaker expects to cause response in the audience by expressing personal feeling through the video. Also through the understanding of the meaning of the video, further analysis and induction of the subjective video works, the audience could better understand the essence of the personal creative work. At the same time, the audience can get closer to the creation of video, hence, not regard the imaging art as a field which is noble and hard to access. Chapter One, Flaneur, mainly told the status of personal creation; explored the context and the form of self-creation. Chapter Two, Gaze and Power, talked about the power relationship of the video. I was thinking after presenting a touching story, what else can we do to swap the power position of the watcher and the watchee, taking the video as a tool may result in the reflection of the watcher. Chapter Three, Arrogant Freedom and Paranoid, explored the psychological and physical status of the persons who were photographed. Chapter Four,Star child-Child of new inhabitants, tried to elaborate from the angle of an interpreter and anticipated to awaken the society to understand these Children of the Star and ensured them to create their own life value in their special ways and modes of behavior to interact with people and environment.


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