  • 學位論文


A study of the title role of Jules Massenet's opera Werther using O Nature pleine de grace and Pourquoi me reveiller as examples

指導教授 : 徐以琳


馬斯奈(Jules Massenet, 1842-1912 )所創作的歌劇《維特》(Werther ),是改編自德意志的大文豪歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832 )的作品,歌德的成就橫跨文學、政治、哲學、科學。其詩作常是音樂家們爭相譜曲的題材,如《西東詩集》 (West-ostlicher Divan),廣為流傳的曠世經典《浮士德》亦被古諾(Charles-Francois Gounod, 1818-1893 )譜寫為膾炙人口的歌劇。《少年維特的煩惱》(Die Leiden des jungen Werther)這部小說在當時的歐洲社會引起了不小的騷動,且給予馬斯奈創作的靈感,譜寫出屬於法國的歌劇《維特》。歌德的一生風流不斷,但多數不順利的關係成為歌德的主要作品來源,在斯特拉斯堡(Strasburg)與當地牧師女兒分別,將詩作〈野玫瑰〉(Heidenroslein)獻給她。在韋次拉爾(Wetzlar)帝國法院實習時結束與夏洛特(Charlotte Buff, 1753-1828)的戀情完成小說《少年維特的煩惱》。   馬斯奈的歌劇《維特》可以說是法國抒情歌劇的創新之作。十九世紀中葉,歐洲盛行的是威爾第(Giuseppe Verdi, 1813-1901)義大利抒情歌劇,以及華格納(Wilhelm Richard Wagner, 1813-1883)德意志歌劇。法國歌劇在當時並不流行,甚至首都巴黎流行的也都是加上法國芭蕾舞的外國歌劇。法國作曲家,想突破這般窘境,找到屬於自己法蘭西風格的歌劇型態,自古諾的《浮士德》(Faust) 嘗試將法國喜歌劇(Opera comique)、芭蕾舞、義大利抒情歌劇、歌德文學做結合獲得極大的成功後,一種屬於法國的抒情歌劇形式誕生。馬斯奈在《維特》將法國抒情歌劇的樂團編制加入新的素材,如薩克斯風(Saxophone)、英國管(English Horn);利用單純、柔和和的旋律線條配上十足的戲劇張力;劇本框架多所突破,加入女性角色之重要性。   透視馬斯奈的生平,不難發現他在歌劇中較為執著於女性角色細膩個性的描寫。從小父親過世後,母親除了負擔家計還要教導馬斯奈鋼琴,對馬斯奈來說,母性的偉大是不容質疑的。在嚴苛的條件下,十一歲進入巴黎音樂學院,馬斯奈努力學習作曲,並在畢業時獲得當時法國作曲家最大殊榮的羅馬大獎(Prix de Rome)去義大利留學。在留學期間認識李斯特(Franz Listz, 1811-1886)並介紹馬斯奈認識了他日後的妻子,一位聰明伶俐的女人。這兩位女性對馬斯奈的影響甚深,也造就馬斯奈的歌劇中隱藏許多女性主義浪漫思想。   筆者期望借著對維特此角色的探討,能對歌劇《維特》的藝術價值有更深入的認識與了解,演唱時得以有深刻的詮釋。


馬斯奈 歌劇 維特 哥德 歌德


Abstract   The French opera Werther by Jules Massenet (1842-1912) was adapted from the work “The Sorrows of Young Werther” (Die Leiden des jungen Werther) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), the most distinguished German figure of the time, who was a politician, philosopher, scientist as well as a poet. Goethe’s poems are often favored by musicians, a great amount of work have been set to music, such as “West-Eastern Diwan” (West-ostlicher Divan), the widely-known “Faust” which is considered the greatest literature, later became Charles-Francois Gounod's (1818-1893) operatic master piece. “The Sorrows of Young Werther”, which raised big issue in the zeuropean society of that time, also inspired J. Massenet to write this beautiful Franch Opera “Werther”. Goethe had relationships with various women throughout his life time, but these fruitless relationships became the sources of many of his works. For example, the poem “Rose on the Heath” (Heidenroslein) was created for the daughter of the priest in Strasburg when he bids farewell to her, and the novel “The Sorrows of Young Werther” was completed when the relationships between Goethe and Charlotte Buff (1753-1828) ended during his law internship in Reichsgericht, which is located in Wetzlar.   Massenet’s “Werther” was a creative work of Franch lyric opera (opera lyrique). During the mid 19th century, the prevailing operas in Europe were the Italian opera of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) and the German opera of Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883). French opera was not very popular at that time, and even in the capital city Paris the predominant opera genre was foreign operas, which had French ballet parts in them. French composers sought to change this situation and to develop true French opera style, Gounod’s “Faust” attempted and succeeded by fusing together comic opera (opera comique), ballet, Italian opera, and Gothic literature. This fusion of multiple genres into an opera was a big success, and the unique genre of French lyric opera came to the scene. “Werther” was a breakthrough in French lyric opera in terms of its orchestration, adding new instruments such as saxophone and English horn; using simple melodic line balanced with dramatic tension; as well as emphosis of female characters.   Looking at Massenet’s life, it is not hard to understand why he could depict female characters in such a way. Massenet’s father passed away when he was a child, apart from supporting the family, Massenet’s mother also taught him piano. It was evidently clear that Massenet regarded his mother as a great parent. Under the difficult circumstances of that time, Massenet still was able to become a pupil at Paris Conservatory (Conservatoire de Paris). He worked extremely hard to study composition, then he was awarded the Prix de Rome, which was then a great honor for French composers. After winning the prize, Massenet went to study in Italy. During his study in Italy, he met Franz Liszt (1811-1886), and Liszt introduced him to a clever and brilliant woman who later became his wife. They all inspired the romanticism and feminism in his operas.   In writing this paper, I hope to gain deeper understanding of the artistic value of the literrature, so one day I may sing Werther with genuine feelings and great inspiration.


Jules Massenet opera Werther Goethe


宋碧雲(譯)(1979)。少年維特的煩惱。台北市:遠景。(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1774)
Freeman, John W The Metropolitan Opera stories of the great    operas Markhm, 1984, Penguin Books
Irvine, Demar Massenet: A Chronicle of His Life and Times, Portland: Amadeus Press, 1994
Macdonald, Hugh The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 16 vols London: Macmillan, 2001. S.v. "Massenet, Jules" Sadie, Stanley,
Massenet, Jules. Werther An Opera in 4 acts Paris: Heugel & Cie., 1892. New York: Kalmus Orchestra Library, 1970. By Edwin F. Kalmus.
