  • 學位論文


A Research on Salons of Denis Diderot——The Sentiment of Art Work and its Appreciation

指導教授 : 廖仁義
共同指導教授 : 賴瑞鎣(Shui-Yung Lai)


本文以狄德羅(Denis Diderot, 1713-1784)1765年和1767年的《沙龍評論》為主要材料,研究十八世紀下半葉以巴黎為中心的藝術現象。分析討論學院、學院畫家、沙龍展覽、沙龍評論、繪畫作品、流行思潮,致力呈現藝術作品與美學在時代中的樣貌。檢視「情感」在狄德羅的藝術評論與當時藝術作品的表現,也參照當時的藝文現象與理論,例如重視觀看經驗、繪畫援用戲劇理論以及經驗主義的美學。最後以1760年代兩位沙龍畫家,葛魯茲(Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1725-1805)和羅伯特(Hubert Robert, 1733-1808)的作品為例,以及狄德羅對這兩位畫家作品的敘述對照圖像與文字。揭露藝術作品及其欣賞之情感問題,證明十八世紀下半葉時「情感」這個性質存在當時的評論與繪畫之中,連結了圖像與文字。


This article, mainly aided by the 1765, 1767 Salons criticism of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), deals with the second half 18th century art works, activities and criticisms centered at Paris. It makes careful observation and analysis about Royale Académie de peinture et de sculpture, the artists from the Academy, the Salon exhibitions held by the Academy, Salon criticisms, the exhibited drawings and paintings and some major, related thoughts at that time. The observation and analysis thrive to show the authentic historical context where the arts were performed, make optimal basis for following examination. Based on historical context, this article starts examine the sentiment/sensibilité appeared in the artistic writings of Diderot and relative art works; further refers sentiment quality to current arts ideas, like the emphasis on viewing, the popularity of drama concepts in painting field, and the aesthetics dissertated by Empiricists. Later in this article, two 1760s Salon painters, Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805), Hubert Robert (1733-1808), and their works and related critics, are dragged out to reveal the sentiments in art works and its appreciation. By the meticulous development above, it is suggested that, in the second half of the 18th century,the quality of sentiment/sensibilité exists in the art field of Paris.


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Hampson, Norman著,李豐斌譯,《啟蒙運動》(The Enlightenment)。台北:聯經,1984。
Anderson, Wilda. Diderot’s Dream. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.
Art Institute of Chicago. French and British Paintings from 1600 to 1800 in the Art Institute of Chicago: a Catalogue of the Collection. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago in association with Princeton University Press, c1996.
Barker, Emma. Greuze and the Painting of Sentiment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
