  • 學位論文


From Radical to Parody - The Turning of Conceptual Art in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖仁義


本文以台灣解嚴後幾年間活躍的藝術批判取向,和二十一世紀當今的藝術批判手法作為對照,並希望提出當中人文教育價值傳達的反思。 有很長一段時間歷史,「既有的觀念」是不容被質疑的,可能是神權、君權,或是科學真相,不斷有種威權體制,框架住整體的思想,並非沒有跳脫框架的「異質」聲音出現,只是他們往往被歸在「歷史藩籬之外」沒有留下太多痕跡。在當今輿論似乎非常自由的時代,情況是否還是如此?「藝術輿論」的反動力量在這樣時代背景中,是驚世駭俗、聳動、被禁止的,抑或是已經被頻繁的表達沖淡、麻木,而只剩下娛樂消遣的效果? 1987年台灣解嚴後文化、政治、社會變遷醞釀一股批判的轉向,藝術界多元、批判性質活絡,其中有長期關注政治、歷史等議題的重要個人藝術家;也有集體企圖以藝術介入社會大眾意識的創作團體,例如從「台北畫派」一路發展的「悍圖社」等,其作品內容大都是創作者觀看、紀錄,對台灣複雜多元的人文現象進行思考與反省,並對抗藝術與生活實踐的斷裂。然而經過十餘年的現在,藝術語言上,愈來愈多隱喻性、個人化、嘻耍式、抒情的、微世界觀的樣態,如「派樂地」那般的藝術精神,他們為何發生?又怎麼找到自己身處社會系統中的定位?在此將以解嚴後較直接、激進的社會意識到當今的「派樂地式」隱喻嘻耍的藝術態度,做批判潮流轉向的探討,並企圖尋求在虛擬、戲謔的時代氛圍中,藝術如何實踐其滲透人文、擴大視野的特質。


This study relates to the 21 century critical conceptual art in Taiwan with the abolition of martial law in Taiwan as a background, trying to propose a reflection on arts and humanities education. It had been a long time we’d never fallen short of old-time-thinking in human history, especially on authorities of religion, monarchy, and science, and that’s why they kept controlling people over their minds and opinions; therefore, we found different voices eliminated out of history every now and then. Even nowadays when the public opinion seems to be completely released, the expression of art on public affairs, whether controversial or sensational, has become ordinary with some extent of amusement. After the abolition of martial law in Taiwan in 1987, the authority crumbled, which incubates the critical art with the nutrition of diversity in culture, society and politics. Lots of artists and art groups of new generation in Taiwan paid serious attention on political and historical affairs of this critical period of time. For example, the development from “Taipei Art society” to “Hantoo Art society” showed their reflections upon the sophisticated social phenomena and tried to make “life of art, and art of life” come true. With the passing of a decade, the art expressions seems to become more metaphorical, individual and comical, take the so-called “Parody” for example, the study discusses why such an art event happened, and what’s the meaning it has caused to our society. In the end, the major purpose of this study is to examine the turning point of critical Conceptual Art in Taiwan and find out a possible practice in social education both in arts and humanities fields at the Digital Age, which is surrounded by the fictitious aura of the times.


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Jameson, Fredric(1998). 《後現代主義或晚期資本主義的文化邏輯》。(Postmodernism,or ,the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism)(吳美真譯)。台北:時報。
蘇芳瑜(2006)。《游移不猶疑—論楊茂林MADE IN TAIWAN—文化篇中台灣文化主體認同展現》國立成功大學藝術研究所碩士論文。
