  • 學位論文

福興、埔鹽 同安寮十二庄之媽祖繞境研究

A Study of Human Settlement on Tongan-liao of 12 Villages Matsu Holy Pilgrimage in Fusing&Puyan

指導教授 : 林保堯


在臺灣的聚落、街庄發展中,聯庄組織是相當特殊的一環,透過祖籍、血緣乃至信仰的力量,衍生出許多具有地方特色且淵遠流長的宗教活動,從而將彼此間的情感攪動、扣緊在一塊。 至於媽祖則臺灣人最耳熟能詳的女神,早自明清時期漢人渡海來臺拓墾,為了祈求平安而隨身奉祀的神尊、香火,以及隨着拓墾日盛所發展出許多與媽祖相關的傳說故事,皆顯示出媽祖信仰與臺灣這塊土地的緊密關聯。以鹿港天后宮為例,其不僅為鹿港共同信仰的閤港廟,亦為鹿港週圍數個聯庄如「草港五庄」、「頂十二庄」、「許厝埔十二庄」、「同安寮十二庄」與「五庄會」等的信仰中心。 本研究即以範圍橫跨今日彰化縣福興與埔鹽地區的「同安寮十二庄」為主題。相傳同安寮十二庄肇始自清道光年間,為了防禦盜匪、保衛家園,以陳慶安為首並以泉州人為主的十二個庄頭團結而成的一個聯庄團體,於每年農曆三月媽祖生前,藉由往鹿港天后宮迎請媽祖神像前往十二庄繞境祈福的方式祈求五穀豐登、風調雨順。 同安寮十二庄請媽祖迄今仍為每年十二庄的一大盛事,且相關制度、儀式在經過一百多年來的承傳,仍多維持傳統鮮少變動;此外同安寮十二庄內每庄其實都有屬於自己的庄廟,但聯庄繞境時卻不同於其他地區以聯庄共祀的神明作為繞境主神,而是每年皆會前往鹿港天后宮迎請媽祖神像繞境,在臺灣其他聯庄組織中尤顯少見。 為探討同安寮十二庄的成因與現況,筆者藉由文獻史料的爬梳整理和田野調查的方式,嘗試就同安寮十二庄的歷史背景、活動儀式等做一調查紀錄,以求能勾畫出同安寮十二庄的概貌,以及聯庄組織透過民間信仰所形塑、連結出來的緊密互動。


In the development of Taiwan’s settlement and village, union village is quite special. Through the origins, blood, even the power of belief, many religious activities with local features and long-term influences were derived. Furthermore, the emotions among people were stuck together. Mazu is the most famous goddess in Taiwan. Early since the Han people crossed the strait to Taiwan to build their family, they kept the status of the goddess and the incense with them in prey in safety. Later on along with the development, all the legendary stories related to Mazu showed the tight relationship between the belief in Mazu and Taiwan. Take Lugang Mazu Temple as an example, it is not only the Hegang Temple but also the center of belief of several union villages around Lugang such as “Caogang Five Villages,” “Upper League of Twelve Villages,” “Kocubo League of Twelve Villages,” “Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages,” and “League of Five Villages ” The scope of this research was the “Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages,” of Today’s Fusing and Puyan Districts in Changhua County. It was said that from the Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty, Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages, headed Chen Chin An, from Quanzhou, united together to form a union to fight against robbers and protect families. Every March of the Chinese calendar before the birthday of Mazu, they invoked Mazu in Lugang Mazu Temple to go around the twelve villages to wish for abundance harvest and good weather. It is still a big event every year that Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages, invoke Mazu to go around the area. All the related system and ritual were inherited from a hundred years ago and still maintain their traditions. Moreover, Tung An Liao Twelve Villages has each own temple in every village, but the road trip of the union villages invited Mazu in Lugang Mazu Temple instead of the God the union villages worshiped, which is rather rarely seen in other union villages in Taiwan. To discover the establishment and current status of Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages the author adapted the methods of the sort out a listing and field research of the literature in attempt to survey the historical background, ritual ceremonies of Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages Hopefully, the general outline of Tongan Liao League Twelve of Villages and the intimate interaction form of the civil belief can be drawn.




