  • 學位論文


“Folks” - A Choreographic Research

指導教授 : 何曉玫


「以《關於家的……》提問創作」是以黃志雄創作展演《關於家的……》所撰寫而成的創作論述報告書,此論述將以「問與答」的報告方式深入剖析創作過程中的自我對話與辯證。提問聚焦於作品主題內容和表現形式兩大的方向,並透過創作提問與尋找答案的過程,去發現創作者的潛在動機和作品裡真正要表達的內容,還有創作者如何在諸多方法中實驗出屬於作品,也屬於自我審美的敘述方式,共分四個章節撰寫。 第壹章「緒論」將提出此論文的探討方向—即提問的源起,並以個人創作歷程為引子,回顧舞作《關於家的……》的編排計劃。第貳章「內容的叩問」著重於舞作內容的提問,提問從確立作品主題的到檢視作品跟創作者的映照關係開始,然後發掘主題背後所承載的社會與文化意涵。第叁章「形式的探尋」詳細分析《關於家的……》在形式發展過程中對舞蹈敘述性的探求,進而開展象徵性手法在舞蹈中的運用與思考。第肆章既末章「思考創作」總結自己在創作的思考過程中,經歷提問的不同階段,最後提出自我的反思與展望。


“Folks” – A Choreographic Research, is a written report based on the graduation choreography of Wong Jyh Shyong entitled “Folks”. As a study on the creative process of “Folks”, this report focuses on ‘Question and Answer’ within its choreographic content and form. Discovering and solving choreographic problems are the process to reveal intention behind choreography, and to seek for its form of expressiveness, which is aesthetically significant for both the choreography and the choreographer. This report is written in four chapters. The first chapter “Introduction” begins with the origin of my choreographic inquiry while revisiting my past choreographic experiences, as well as laying out the rehearsal plan of “Folks”. Chapter Two: “The Content” brings ahead the process of discovering the intention behind such content, and exploring this choreographer's connection with such choreography, further reflecting upon the social and cultural value of “Folks”. Chapter Three “The Form” is an analysis of the choreographic process on finding the form and style of “Folks”, while seeking symbolic approaches within the process of choreographing. “Finale”--the last chapter, is a conclusion of this research, ending with my reflections on thinking and creating dance.


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