  • 學位論文


A Study on the Nomination of the Historical Centre of Macao Inscribed as the World Cultural Heritage

指導教授 : 林會承


本論文以澳門歷史城區作為個案研究,透過申報前、申報後與登錄後三個階段分別探討其登錄為世界遺產的歷程。從對世界遺產只有初步認識,到努力遵循世界遺產的規範,澳門修復文化遺產的態度日趨嚴謹,真實性提高。登錄為世界遺產以後,澳門從單一遺產點的保存朝向整體性的保護,雖然經營管理的制度未臻完善,但是整體水準大幅提升,澳門經驗印證了世界遺產登錄制度的正面意義。 儘管如此,澳門歷史城區和多數的世界文化遺產地一樣,面臨了都市發展的壓力,如何結合城市整體規劃,建構出一套永續經營的管理策略,保護世界文化遺產以免流於商業化,是澳門當今面對的重大課題與挑戰。 雖然台灣無法成為聯合國教科文組織的締約國,申報世界遺產,然而如果在文化遺產的保存觀念與經營管理上,汲取世界遺產的經驗,仍可將文化遺產的經營管理提升至國際水準,與世界接軌。透過本研究,澳門的經驗值得台灣學習與借鏡之處如下: (一) 將來台灣若突破政治藩籬,澳門歷史城區在其申報的過程中所運用的策略,可提供未來申報世界遺產之參考。 (二) 歷史建築的保存應連同廣場與周邊環境一併保存。 (三)避免在古蹟周圍大量增建仿古設施。 (四)文化觀光的推廣宜採適當的企業行銷方式。 (五)以歷史建築作為公部門辦公室,將可對社會大眾起帶頭示範的作用。 (六)汲取世界遺產經營管理的機制,例如核心區與緩衝區的運用、旅遊承載量的控管,開發衝擊管理,以及由單點建築延伸為面狀的經營管理方式等。 (七)將文化遺產的維護機制納入城市發展整體規劃,朝向永續經營的目標


This thesis is a case study on the process of the Historic Centre of Macao inscribed as World Cultural Heritage. It is researched through three stages: (1)Before application for World Heritage list (2)After application (3)After inscribed as World Heritage From initial understanding of World Heritage system in the beginning to strictly following the guidelines of World Heritage, Macao has made strides on heritage conservation. The attitude of restoring the historical building is getting more prudent and authenticity is enhanced. After inscribed as World Heritage, it aimed at the conservation of the whole historical center instead of a single historical site. The heritage management is substantially upgraded even though there is still some room for improvement. The experience of Macao demonstrates the positive influence of World Heritage inscription system. However, Macao is facing some urban development problems like most of World heritage sites. Integrating urban planning to a sustainable heritage management strategy in order to prevent The Historic Centre of Macao from over-commercialization is a great challenge to Macao. Due to political issue, Taiwan is unable to become a State Party of UNESCO and apply for World Heritage. Nevertheless, if we learn the experience of World Heritage management, we can better manage our cultural heritage sites. The following summarizes the experiences of Macao that can provide Taiwan with good references: 1. The strategy used on the application for World Heritage can be referenced if Taiwan is able to become a State Party of UNESCO in the future. 2. The conservation of the historical building should be extended to its square and surroundings. 3. Not to build facilities with fake historical look in a heritage site. 4. A marketing plan can be considered for cultural tourism promotion. 5. Reusing historical buildings as the offices of government institutes will set a good example for the society. 6. Learn the cultural management mechanism of World cultural heritage, such as the plan of defining the core zone and buffer zone, managements of development pressures and visitor pressures as well as the conservation of the whole area of historical site instead of a single building. 7. To integrate the cultural heritage management with urban planning, aiming at substantial management.


Herbert Strovel(斯陀韋爾)(盛力譯)
Joao Vicente Massapina(馬薩皮納)(黃徵現譯)
Maria de Lourdes Rodrigues Costa(科斯塔)(范維信譯)


