  • 學位論文


The study of ink painting about fishes•

指導教授 : 林章湖


中文摘要 河流滋養浩瀚的大地,孕育了人類的文明,並供給了無數生靈生命的來源,大海納百川而大,除了滋養眾生之外,也造就了許許多多令人讚嘆的文學及藝術作品,我很有幸地長期貼近海洋,有如深受水底世界魔力般的召喚,深深融入大海潮起潮落的琁律,蘊釀了許多創作的想法。生長於海邊,學習了大海所提供的一切,吃海、玩海、觀海、拍海、畫海,似乎我的生命是為海而來!我常常納悶:為什麼臺灣四面環海,為何畫魚蝦蟹者不多?雖然魚蝦畫仍有極高的繪畫成,但畢竟是比例不高,誰叫一直以來,東南沿海一直是「邊陲地帶、遠離中原」呢!河流與海洋來到二十一世紀,簡直是災難一場,全球普遍的水污染及過漁,加上濫墾及有毒物的侵害,讓江海變色岌岌可危,相信這不但不只是當代藝術家的好題材,也是生在二十一世纪所有公民的責任。 在這次研究主題中,首先整理了自五代以來前輩藝術家們所畫的魚、蝦、蟹等畫,並整理其技法及創作觀點之獨特處,分析解讀魚蝦蟹作品之既有之成就後,再闡述自己對「魚族畫」的觀點,並提出八件個人有關「魚族畫」的近作來說明個人處於這個年代對「魚族畫」的觀點與技巧表現。 以下就本論述各章重點簡述如下: 第一章:(緒論) 就河流及海洋這個題材對人類及我個人的重要性提出說明,闡述個人與海洋特殊因緣與關係,界定我所要研究的範圍,研究方法與步驟。 第二章:「魚族畫」畫史上繪畫藝術 整理五代以來不同年代不同中國藝術家面對「水中生物」不同的情感狀態與 獨特的繪畫處理手法,透過畫面解說來釐清藝術家們怎樣看待「水中生物」。循著數千年這個創作系統一一剝解,並分析過去藝術家表現了什麼?缺少了什麼? 第三章:「魚族畫」內在與外在 有關「魚族畫」的作品表現因人因年代各有不同 ,在這麼多高手創作之後,我 還有什麼創作可能與空間?說明「魚族畫」在創作背後內心世界與外部形式風格的變化,盼能在這「魚族畫」大的創作系統下找到自己的定位與獨特性,也呼應整個魚、蝦、蟹的脈絡。 第四章:個人「魚族畫」創作剖析 透過媒材及繪畫手法將水底世界表現出「可游、可居而變成現在失落的桃花 源」,並利用畫面內容及符號來自我創作實踐與賞析。 第五章:結論 在藝術創作上,試著找到於一種屬於個人的表現手法,並在藝術探索上,找 到更多的可能性,除了豐富藝術外,更能忠實反應當代人類的問題。


Summary Rivers and oceans are like mothers to human civilization, for they have nurtured all living beings and have inspired numerous artists to compose masterpieces for centuries. Grown up in a seaside village, I have been very lucky to stay close to seashore and deeply inspired by the magnificent beauty and harmony of the underwater world. With the rhythms of waves, my ideas and inspiration are plentifully aroused. With my neighborhood experience, my lives are strongly connected with seas; I enjoy food, fun, and images of seas. And it seems that I was born to live with it! Yet, I have been always wondering with the advantage of seashore surroundings, in Taiwan, we haven’t developed a river or maritime culture in Taiwan. The Chinese Ink Painting has achieved its great success, but few topics focused on underwater creatures such as fish, crabs and shrimps. At the beginning of the 21st century, human beings have been suffered from pollutions and over-development in most seashore areas. It is no doubt all global citizens and contemporary artists should take the responsibility to save and revive the waters. On my research topic, firstly, I reviewed the artworks about underwater creatures of Chinese master artists from centuries ago, and analyzed how they composed the paintings and perspectives of their masterpieces. Gradually, I came up with my own interpretation and fascination for underwater creatures and illustrated my perception with nines paintings. The following is the summary of each chapter of my research: II Chapter 1: Introduction Briefly, I explain the motives and personal background of the chosen topic about rivers and oceans and also define the scope, methodology of my research. Chapter 2: Relate the existing artworks to my research By rearranging and elaborating the viewpoints, affections and painting techniques of artists in different times in history about underwater creatures, I try to find out if any artistic elements have been neglected. Chapter 3: Motivation Artists present the artworks about underwater creatures very differently in different times. I found myself having limited creative possibilities on this topic, and therefore decided to truly express my perception and devotion to lives of those creatures in waters to locate my position and specialty in this field. Chapter 4:Illustrations and Interpretations With my experience and perception of the underwater world, I intend to show the contrast between the lively past with modern pollution of the missing wonderland by using varied materials and painting techniques on my creations. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work Through artistic creations, I am dedicated to look for personal specialties and diligently explore more possibilities to enrich the artistic field and reflect the real-life problems of humanity.


1﹒ 許鐘榮著,《中國近現代名家畫集 李苦禪》。台北市 錦繡文化企業 1994
2﹒ 許鐘榮著,《中國近現代名家畫集 齊白石》。台北市 錦繡文化企業 1994
3﹒ 葛路著, 《中國古代繪畫理論發展史》。 台北市 丹青圖書有限公司 1987
4﹒ 陳永鏘著,《畫魚有魚》。 台北市 藝術圖書公司 2006
