  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the TV Movie Work “LOVE LETTERS IN CYBERSPACE”

指導教授 : 李道明


《網路情書》為筆者在2006年之作品,為78分鐘的電視電影,始因於華崗興業基金會為公共電視人生劇展單元之徵案,原導演因故無法執行經由公視推薦而找上筆者。 本片以高畫質攝影機拍攝,經過三個編劇至少三個以上不同版本劇本,並在拍攝時因應演員修正方向,找到最適合的、說這個故事的方式。本片有四分之一棚內搭景拍攝,其餘皆為外景或外內景。拍攝工作時間為15天。後製約三個星期,以線性剪接系統調光。 因為故事題材和呈現方式,本片在製作時有參考美國電影《駭客任務》和日本電影《電車男》。而本論文除了從製作面檢討執行方法,亦從文本上分析整個影片的敘事內容與架構。 《網路情書》在2006年5月於公共電視頻道上播出,反應頗受好評。同年並入圍南方影展最佳劇情片,以及廣播電視金鐘獎最佳迷你劇集、最佳編劇、最佳導演、最佳女主角、最佳男配角等五個獎項;資深演員李烈並獲得最佳女主角。 本片為筆者的第一部劇情長片,在此之前筆者只有執行過廣告和三十分鐘以內的短片經驗,雖然用影像說故事的方式和導演的本質差異不大,但是從劇本結構到拍攝執行對筆者而言都是很好的經驗與學習。 從故事到執行,《網路情書》製作的過程對筆者在未來的創作有很大的啟發。從導演到說故事的方法、到劇本掌握的精確性、拍攝執行的操作度、跟不同組工作人員的溝通協調、以及克服困難的應變…都是未來執行其它影片時的寶貴經驗。


“Love Letters in Cyberspace” is a 78-minute feature-length TV movie made in 2006. It was a proposed project to PTS’s “Life Drama” Series from a local production company. I was recommended by PTS to take over this project when the original director could not continue the work for the project. The whole project was filmed and edited with HD system. In order to find the optimal approach to best structure the story, I had written three different versions of the script with three screenwriters and a revision to fit the actors and actresses. A quarter of the production was shot in the studio and the rest in real settings. The shooting took 15 days. Post- production took another three weeks, including color correction by on-line editing system. During the research stage, we had referred some ideas from “MATRIX” and “A TRUE LOVE STORY”. This essay discusses the making of “Love Letters in Cyberspace” and analyzes its content and structure based on its text. “Love Letters in Cyberspace” was premiered at PTS channel in May 2005 and was very well received. It had won Li-Lie the Best Actress award, and was nominated for Best Mini-series, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actor Awards in the 41st Golden Bell Awards. Prior to this production, my works were limited to commercials and 30-minute short films. “Love Letters in Cyberspace” is my first feature-length production. The nature between short and long features does not vary greatly; nonetheless, I have gained much valuable experience from writing the feature-length screenplay and both the shooting and editing of this film. The making of “Love Letters in Cyberspace” has inspired me in many ways, especially in the area of creativity. Although we had encountered many challenges such as male-function coordination, we also made a lot of effort in trying to truthfully convey the originality of the story during the production. I believe those valuable lessons would be good references for me in future productions.


