  • 學位論文

人為與自然共存 自然面與雕刻面的互相尊重

Artificiality and Nature coexistence The respect between the natural stone and the carving techniques

指導教授 : 黎志文


熱愛石頭這樣的材質,對我而言並非與生俱來,而是從擔任石雕藝術家的助手過程中所建立起的。初期的作品常以社會化的議題來創作,曾懷疑石頭這樣的材質在社會議題的創作方向下,並無法真正滿足與傳達內心的想法,在不斷的省思與自我的批判下,才得知是自己對石頭不夠了解,讓雕刻流於矯作,未正視材料本身的真實。從這樣的體驗下,往後的作品中常保留人為所不可及的石頭自然面,企圖去呈現自然面與人為切面的同時存在。漸漸地也開始思索石頭的本質與真實感,甚至對於自然原石與雕刻的關係產生質疑,並且將這樣的質疑轉化或投射在作品的形式或內容中,這是雕刻家與自然之間的一種拉距,也得透過石雕創作的方式繼而尋求質疑的解答以及自我精神的提昇。 個人的雕刻方式受西方藝術觀念的影響,而對於材質的態度又傾向中國哲學的自然觀,對我而言這是雕刻與自然之間的矛盾點。石頭不單僅是創作的材料,更具有恆久性之意涵。藉由創作者在雕刻的過程中與石頭的互動,去尋找最適當的表現方式,喚起素材的自然生命。 雕刻家除了掌握恆久性的材料外,更應該在這樣多變的環境下,去找尋不變的真理或永恆的價值觀。也就是回歸材料自身,重新思考雕刻的本質,透過自我表現和形式探索來尋求藝術的精神價值。如何就雕刻的本質上去尋求自然石材與雕刻敲鑿的互相尊重,則是我未來繼續努力的方向。並且在這樣的形式辯證下企圖發展石雕造形更多可能的空間。


自然石材 雕刻敲鑿 石雕


Enthusiasm about the stone material was not native to me; but came from the experience being bound apprentice to the sculptors. My beginning works were usually involved some socialized topics, I had doubted if such material could satisfy and transfer my thoughts. After a series of contemplations and self-criticisms, I understood that my poor knowledge to stone that made carving sophisticated and overlooked the truth of the material itself. This was why I often presented the natural texture and the artificial texture spontaneously in one work. I began to think about the essence and reality of the stone, to doubt the relations between the natural stone and carving techniques. Furthermore, I intruded these questions into my works, by which I inquired the answers and the elevation of the spirit. My carving techniques are influenced by western art, but my attitudes to the material tend toward the naturalism of Chinese philosophy. To me, this is quite a contradiction between the carving and the nature. The stone is not just a kind of material; it implies the eternity. By the interactions between the sculptor and the stone, we could find the most appropriate presenting ways to evoke the natural life of the material. Under such variable circumstance, sculptors go to tame the stubborn material; they are going to find the unchangeable truth or the eternal value. It is necessary to go back to the material, to think the essence of the sculpture again, and to seek the value of the art by self-representation and forms. Thus, I will struggle, according the essence of the sculpture, to investigate the respect between the natural stone and the carving techniques. And under such dialectical form to develop more possibilities of the sculpture.


詹明信(Fredric R.Jameson),吳美真譯,《後現代主義或晚期資本主義的文化邏輯》(Postmodernism, or,The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.),台北:時報,1998年,初版。
Edie,Joanne Greenspun,The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum,Clothbound edition published in 1987 by Harry N.Abrams, Inc. Printed and bound in Japan.
赫伯特.曼紐(Herbert Mainusch)著,古城里譯,《 懷疑論美學 》(Sceptical Aesthetics),商鼎文化出版社, 2000年,出版二刷。
