  • 學位論文


A Book Review on Mark C. van Tongeren’s Overtone Singing: Physics and Metaphysics of Harmonics in East and West

指導教授 : 吳榮順


馬克•范•湯可鄰(Mark C. van Tongeren)的《泛音歌唱》(Overtone Singing)是一本跨領域的著作,全書分為五大部分,共七章,從泛音歌唱的物理學開始談起,接著介紹東方與西方泛音歌唱的實踐,進而論及泛音歌唱與靈修的關係,最後以作者提出之「第五元素」的概念作結。內容涉及音樂、聲學、認知、物理、心理學及形而上學等領域。全書行文流暢易懂,並適時以插圖和筆記輔助說明。該書附有一張CD,內有田野調查的錄音,以及作者的示範演唱。馬克•范•湯可鄰集民族音樂學者、泛音歌者和教學者的多重身分,為泛音歌唱寫下兼具東西方、廣泛、全面而有系統的專書,提供研究者頗為完備的專業視野,同時是一本學習泛音歌唱的基礎教材。 泛音歌唱指的是一個人能同時唱出兩個或更多個清晰可辨的聲音的技巧。國內關於泛音歌唱的著作和研究相當少,本論文希望以評介該書的方式,提供一個關於泛音歌唱相關訊息的交流平台。論文的章次與章名依照該書編排,各章的第一節是將原文(英文)用中文寫成摘要;各章的第二節是筆者的評論。為了不讓泛音歌唱僅停留於平面知識,筆者特於結語部分列出幾項泛音歌唱的用途,期為嚮往「知行合一」的讀者作出一點貢獻。


Overtone Singing, written by Mark C. van Tongeren and published in 2002, is an interdisciplinary book. It contains seven chapters organized into five parts. The book starts from the physics of overtone singing, and introduces the practice of overtone singing in the East and West, and then explores the spiritual realm in overtone singing; finally, the author winds up his book with the concept of the fifth element. Knowledge Tongeren draws on in this book ranges widely over music, acoustics, cognition, physics, psychology, metaphysics and so on. Tongeren’s style of writing is jargon-free; technical terms are adequately explained through illustrations and his notes. The accompanying CD is an excellent compilation, including fieldwork recordings and his demonstration. Mark C. van Tongeren, working as an ethnomusicologist, overtone singer and a voice teacher at the same time, wrote a comprehensive and systematic guide for overtone singing. The book makes a significant contribution to researchers and learners of overtone singing. Overtone singing is a technique with which a single human voice can simultaneously produce two or more clearly audible tones. The study of it is rare in Taiwan, so this thesis aims to offer a platform for exchange of information about overtone singing. The number and the name of each chapter in the thesis are the same with those in the book. Each chapter in the thesis consists of two sections. The summary of each chapter of the book is in the first section; my comments are in the second. Overtone singing not only exists in the academic study, but is a skill itself originally. For that reason, I put forward some ideas of how to make use of overtone singing in the coda especially for readers who like to put theories into practice.


Merriam, Alan P. (1964). Anthropology of Music. Northwestern University Press.


王怜瓔(2016)。南管唱曲的當代理解—— 以〈憶著情人〉與〈燈花開透〉為例討論〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-3108201614524600
