  • 學位論文


A study of Biological Motion and Emotion Analysis on Multimedia Platform

指導教授 : 林棋政 魏德樂


在電腦動畫或是電玩遊戲中徐徐如生的人物動作,經常是利用動態捕抓系統的輔助或專業動畫人員,利用手工方式精細的去微調建置出所需要的動作,而動態捕抓系統也往往設備的使用需耗費鉅資,動畫人員用人工方式去建置動作也曠日廢時。產生大量的動態資訊對於資料傳遞和儲存空間也都會嚴重影響到動畫或電玩遊戲中程式的效能。好的動作分析與參數化不僅可以提高作品完成度也有多樣化動作選擇。   本研究希望能提供一套情緒性動作分析系統,所產出的動作不僅動作和情緒性可以參數化,因資料量壓縮更可以提高資料的實用性。本論文利用主成分分析法(PCA) ,對於生物運動中利用動態捕抓系統所截取的各組資料(如:男和女的走路、跑步…)和包括情緒因素的動作(快樂、沮喪等…),而後將主成份加以利用,做為進一步分割動作或是重現動作的基礎。將分析出各組的pattern,再利用轉換產生出情緒因子,透過模組化標準化的過程,將這些動作數據實際運用在網路遊戲中,因動作描述已壓縮成一組pattern,只需透過參數調整可以輕易調出所需要的情緒性動作,對於在多媒體平台中,不僅資料壓縮易於傳遞,也可以實現逼真生動的人物動畫。


Nowadays, it takes a lot of time both for a motion capture system or professional animation artists to construct a vivid character motion in computer graphic or video Game. Also, the huge data for transportation, storage or display will influence the effect of video game or multimedia platform. The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis system for the emotional motion of character animation. It is our hope that the created motion and emotion are able to be modulated and parametric. Furthermore, because the data we are going to use has been compressed, so it will be more practical. In this paper, our research method is based on the Principle Component Analysis (PCA). We use PCA to analyze the entire sequence of motion capture data. These data are including not only walking, running or any kind of motion of a man or woman, but also his or her emotional expressing such as happy or sad…etc. We apply the emotion data into our multimedia platform. Because the characteristics of the motion data have been compressed as a group of pattern, therefore, it is very easy to obtain the emotional motion which we need by controlling the parameter. The result is that not only the compressed data will be easily transported, but also the vivid character animation will be completely constructed in our multimedia platform.


Motion Analysis PCA Emotion Classification


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