  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on Animated Film The Card

指導教授 : 李道明


本創作論述係筆者畢業作品《卡片》創作理念與執行成果之報告。《卡片》是以電腦動畫技術製作之2D動畫短片,其創作理念是試圖呈現「價值觀差異會影響人的言行舉止,即使是親人,基於相同目的所作出的表現可能會大異其趣,而同樣的事物在兩人眼中產生的意義也可能大不相同」。《卡片》的創作,以賽璐珞風格表現真實與幻想的轉變,藉由常見的父子間的小衝突,詮釋兩個不同的獨立個體在面對相同的景象時,所看到的不同畫面。 本創作報告第一章首先陳述本片的創作動機與創作目的。第二章從心理學的角度探討父子間價值觀差異的心理,分析父親與孩童個別透過想法而使眼中情境產生轉變的狀態,並與其他相關動畫作品做異同的比較。第三章則闡述本動畫作品的創作理念、動畫製作的人物以及場景與美術設定。第四章闡述製作過程與筆者所擬探討的動作關鍵影格如何決定之問題。最後,在第五章筆者提出個人對本作品的檢討,以及擬定的未來創作方向。


動畫 觀點 父子 2D


This essay is a critique on the production of the author’s thesis film, The Card, a two-dimensional animation short. The film intends to illustrate that even in a close family, difference in the hierarchical status within members of the family would cause each to react differently to the same thing. In this film, the author tries to simulate the style of celluloid animation in order to transform the reality into a fantasy. In The Card, a conflict erupts between a father and his son due to opposite viewpoints. The conflict is finally resolved after the father changes his perspective toward the event. Chapter one of this essay describes the motivation behind, and the purpose of, the thesis film. Chapter two reviews the related literacy regarding the theme of the film, which is related to the psychology of value system. The author elaborates on the reasons why the characters in her thesis film have diverse points of view toward the same event. She compares her thesis film with other animated works of similar theme. Chapter three discusses the concept behind the production of this work, including the characters design, scene design, and production design. Chapter four introduces the creating processes of this project and discusses the result of the author’s experiment with time and space. Finally, in Chapter five, the author presents a self-criticism of the work and concludes with the lessons she has learnt through the production of this thesis project.


animation perspective paternity two-dimensional


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5. The Lost Thing (2010). Andrew Ruhemann & Shaun Tan, Australia: Passion Pictures (II).
7. Wunderwerk (2002). Michael Sieber, Germany: Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg.
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2. Kant, I (2004)。《純粹理性批判》(鄧曉芒譯)。台北:聯經。


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