  • 學位論文


An Analytical and Interpreational Study of Marc Lys “Vertiges Concerto for Tenor Trombone”

指導教授 : 張釗銘


要有別於一般傳統研究長號協奏曲搭配上鋼琴伴奏,內容安排有討論長號與打擊樂器配合的相關曲目蒐集;再搭配上此曲作品,這便是筆者設立此研究動機,跳脫一般針對單一曲目作品研究範圍。 研究方法有資料收集、整理、實際演奏及實際採訪記錄,在第二章節中盡可能蒐羅有關長號與打擊樂器合奏的相關作品,並且分析種類、羅列所需樂器、簡單曲解及該樂曲相關出處;透過實際演奏將樂曲精神表現出來,讓整首曲目可以躍然紙上;對於曲目中相關問題,筆者也透過在法國念書友人,詢問本曲作家,以便更能夠了解曲目相關內容。 第三章節在介紹此曲的創作背景,包含作曲家的學經歷、提獻給這首樂曲演奏家的相關資料,最後分析管樂團版本和鋼琴打擊協奏版本的差異。第四章節樂曲分析,利用製表方式和傳統譜例將樂曲內容作詳細介紹。第五章節則是筆者對於此曲的演奏詮釋及注意論述說明。 最後則是針對在製作此項論文中所遇到的困難心得總結,有資料收集方向不好掌控、語言問題及長號與打擊合奏曲目蒐羅辛苦。




To be different from the traditional study of trombone concerto with piano accompaniment, the content of discussion trombone and percussion instruments with the relevant track collection; and then with the song works, this is the author set up this research motivation, escape the general for Single Track Works. In the second section, the relevant works on the trombone and percussion ensemble are collected as far as possible, and the types of the instruments are analyzed, the required instruments are listed, and the musical instrument is simply misinterpreted and related to the musical composition. The author of the song through a friend in France, asked the song writers, in order to better understand the track-related content. The third chapter introduces the creative background of this song, including the composer 's school experience, to provide information to the musician, and finally to analyze the differences between the band version and the piano concerto edition. The fourth chapter analysis of music, using tabulation and traditional spectrum of music content for detailed introduction. The fifth chapter is the author of this song for the interpretation of the performance and note that. Finally, it is difficult to summarize the difficulties encountered in the production of this paper, the data collection direction is not good control, language problems and trombone and combat ensemble repertoire.


Trombone and percussion


Guion, David M. The Trombone: Its History and Music (1697-1811). Gordon and Breach
Science Publishers, 1988.
『The Villa of Composers』:
『Grove Music Online』:
