  • 學位論文


Ink-painting Images of Floating World

指導教授 : 林章湖教授


工業革命之後,人類生活逐漸脫離了農業時代的生活及思考模式。近當代的環境,更是多元化與變動性,直接與間接的影響現代人們對於生活的體會和感受;尤有甚者,致使生活陷於物質與金錢的物慾追求,流於情感孤寂、鬱悶與壓力,而致迷失自我,精神焦慮、虛空幻夢等現象。這樣的現代環境感受,我試著以水墨意象與形式來表達,以當代人的思考來做為創作研究的命題。 本創作論述第一章緒論中,主要述及創作研究的概念說明,包括此研究的動機、研究目的、研究範疇以及研究的方法。 第二章則是創作主題的組構與理論說明和運用學理及畫論基礎,將作品的藝術形式在傳統及當代形式上並論以及比對,說明此創作是基於傳統基礎之發展而融以當代形式之個人風格。 第三章,浮世心象所蘊涵的當代性以及傳統與當代融合的詮釋。 第四章,創作內容、形式與技法,主要為作品筆墨使用及符號意象,以及媒材、色彩運用和技法運用的詮釋。 最後是第五章結語,總結本論述及作品探討人類求生活的心鏡意象,因追求奢華生活而受役於物的現代思潮;本研究的預期效益和未來創作所展現的願景價值。


浮世 意象 心象


After Industrial Revolution, thinking and feeling of human beings had been jumping over the traditional agricultural stage gradually. Moreover, multi-culture and high-variation for the modern time also influenced the thinking and feeling of people, on both direct and indirect ways. People are eager pursuing unlimited material desire, resulting to loneliness, sadness, boringness, high-pressure, life blank and anxiety. To express this reflection to the change of environment, I am trying to have my Ink-Painting to image this contemporary feeling and thinking. In the first chapter of introduction, main concepts were mentioned, including motivation, purpose, category, and methods. The second chapter is about the construction of main theme, the analysis of theory, and the foundation of Ink-Painting. I compared my own concepts under traditional and modern times, which concluded this creation melting from traditional development and contemporary personal style. Chapter three contents is the analysis of Floating-Life, integrating the contemporary thought into ink painting, trying to turn over the traditional idea. Fourth chapter contents the techniques of creation, pursuing luxurious Floating-life but enslaving by the materials.mainly being illustrated by special marks, styles, intermediary material on , symbols and color choose. Final chapter five is the conclusion, summarizing the result of this study do no only image the surface of human floating-life, but also exposed problems and future in-depth prospects are also disclosed in this Chapter 5.


Floating World Images


葛路 著,《中國古代繪畫理論發展史》,臺北市,
Arthur C. Danto,林雅琪 鄭惠雯 譯,《After the end of art,
Jean-Louis Pradel 著,董強 張丹丹 合譯,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydeny,
《The Contemporary Art of Taiwan》,Australia

